




1.经过手术 therapeutic 治疗的 underwent surgery 经过手术 cancelled 取消 ...


1.He said the first patient underwent surgery in November 2008. The second, Poe, took place in February.他表示,2008年11月份一位病人首次接受了这种手术,Poe的手术是在2月份。

2.Walton underwent surgery to remove bone spurs, scar tissue and cartilage debris in his right ankle that bothered him for most of the season.沃顿在手术中移除了困扰他多半个赛季的,右脚踝中的骨刺,疤痕组织和软骨碎片。

3.About a year and a half ago, Jim developed a lump on his forehead and underwent surgery to have it removed.大约一年以前,吉姆的额头上长了一个肿块,做手术把他切除了。

4.It was a typically controversial statement by Venezuela's leader, who underwent surgery in June to remove a tumor from his pelvis.这是委内瑞拉总统查韦斯发表的很有代表性的争议言论,他今年6月接受治疗,切除了骨盆的肿瘤。

5.We rushed her to the hospital where she underwent surgery and now she is in a stable condition.我们马上将她送到医院做手术,现在她情况稳定。

6.Kennedy, 76, who underwent surgery in June for a brain tumor, appeared to suffer convulsions, a congressional aide said.76岁的肯尼迪在去年6月曾接受脑部肿瘤手术。据一名会议助理称,肯尼迪在会上似乎是出现了阵发痉挛。

7.Thirty percent of the children with spinal injury underwent surgery.30%的脊柱损伤儿童采用手术治疗。

8.At least one other photographer, Guy Martin, was also injured and underwent surgery.至少还有一名摄影师马丁(GuyMartin)也已受伤并正在接受手术。

9.This comes a day after it was announced that Samir Nasri underwent surgery on his own knee problem.这个消息是在纳斯里进行膝盖手术一天后发布的,幸好纳斯里只要缺阵一个月。

10.South Korean and US officials said the 66-year-old leader suffered a stroke in August and underwent surgery.韩国和美国发言人也说这位66岁的领导人在八月得了中风,并在进行手术。