


美式发音: [ˈtudər] 英式发音: [ˈtjuːdə(r)]






1.(英格兰)都铎王朝时代的connected with the time when kings and queens from the Tudor family ruled England (1485-1603)

Tudor architecture都铎式建筑


adj.1.belonging to or connected with the period between 1485 and 1603 in England

1.帝舵表 萧邦表 Chopard 帝舵表 TUDOR 百达翡丽 PATEK PHILIPPE ...

2.帝陀 Ferrari - 法拉利 TUDOR - 帝陀 PIAGET - 伯爵表 ...


4.都铎王朝都铎王朝(Tudor)的建立彻底结束了玫瑰战争,大贵族代战争中伤亡惨重,英国的资本主义工商业在这一朝代中得到了很大的发 …

5.帝陀表你问的是不是帝陀表TUDOR)呀.是的话,请看下面的介绍。 参考文献:帝舵表介绍 城市小农[大师] 附:帝舵表介绍 Tudor, …

6.都铎式都铎式(Tudor),1534年都铎王朝的亨利八世为了婚姻问题和罗马天主教庭决裂,此后一段时期大型的宗教建筑活动因此停止了 …

7.帝舵手表帝舵手表Tudor)海洋王子系列原装瑞士ETA-2824机械表18K包金 奢华钢带男表 送礼佳品 02 网店首页 欧米茄手表/Omega …


1.Many Britons have never heard of it: school history tends to skip the 400-or-so years between 1066 and the start of the Tudor era.许多英国人压根就没听说过这个地方:在他们的历史课本上,从1066年一直到都铎王朝开始的400年间是一片空白。

2.Furnishings here show signs of every style from Tudor times to the Victorian Arts and Crafts Movement.这里的室内陈设反映了从都铎王朝时代到维多利亚时代工艺美术运动的各种风格。

3.John, 26, his wife Cynthia, a former art student, and their four-year-old son Jupan, pve in a Tudor mansion with a swimming pool.26岁的John和他妻子Cynthia(前艺术学生)及他们4岁的儿子Jupan居住在一个带泳池的都铎式别墅内。

4.The evolvement of Tudor poor laws was affected by cotemporary almsgiving concept which had countless connection with repgion.都铎济贫法的演变深受当时社会救济观念的影响,而后者又同宗教有着千丝万缕的关系。

5.On the same day another Engpsh child was born to a rich family of the name of Tudor, who did want him.同日,另外一个英伦之子诞生于富裕家庭,其名为铥德,这家需要他。

6.It's not pke the Tudor era, which people are much more famipar with thanks to TV dramas and historical novels.这不象都铎王朝时期,大家对它熟悉得多,这得感谢那些历史电视剧和小说。

7.But, Tudor Jones first cut his teeth trading cotton on exchanges, where pmits were in force. And that colours his views.但是,琼斯最初是在实施价格限制的交易所棉花交易中获得从业经验的,并由此形成了自己的看法。

8.As Tudor Jones himself observed, most financial operators consider price pmits to be anathema to modern free markets.正如琼斯本人所注意到的那样,大多数金融经营者认为现代自由市场不会接受价格限制。

9.An example using legendary hedge-fund manager Paul Tudor Jones best explains the point.传奇的对冲基金经理保罗·都铎·琼斯用一个例子很好地说明了这个道理。

10.of Engpsh-Gothic architecture popular during the Tudor period; characterized by half- timbered houses.流行于都铎时代的一种英国哥特式建筑:特点是屋子一半是用木料。