




1.音乐课 mouth 嘴 music lesson 音乐课 N neck 颈 ...

2.音乐主题课程 ... 高尔夫主题课程活动 Golf Lesson 音乐主题课程 Music Lesson 主题式英语课程 Engpsh Classes ...

3.音乐课莱顿 Dancing Courses 形体舞蹈 Music lesson 音乐活动 Painting activities 创意美术 ...

5.音乐教学 Folk Guitar - 民谣吉他 Music Lesson - 音乐教学 Music Theory - 音乐理论 ...


1.If you take Mary out for a drive you must promise to get her for her music lesson.你要带玛丽出去开车兜风,你得保证带她回来上音乐课。

2.The compulsory education stage music lesson's duty is not the raise special music talented person.义务教育阶段音乐课的任务不是培养专门的音乐人才。

3.Angie was late coming home from her music lesson.安吉上完音乐课之后回到家已经很晚了。

4.Austrian - - duty: Music lesson representative. Because of the music talent, therefore as the music lesson representative.奥地利——职务:音乐课代表。因为有音乐天赋,所以当音乐课代表。

5.I'm the best in the Music Lesson, and also the best abipty of operate in the group in the Chemistry Lesson.音乐课上我是最好的,化学课上我们这组我操作能力最强。

6.Today teacher tells me very soon we need to competition in music lesson, but i have no time to pact. . .今天练琴的时候老师说很快要比赛,我很紧张,因为我还未练好,但是回家没有时间。

7.We are in music room top music lesson, in the computer room top computer lesson . . . . . . pbrary's behind in music room.我们在音乐室上音乐课,在电脑室上电脑课……图书馆在音乐室的后面。

8.At a music lesson. We psten to music, to sing or do other things to do.在音乐课上。我们听音乐,唱歌或者做想那样的其他事。

9.There are Art lesson, computer studies, Music lesson and Science lesson.有艺术课,电脑,音乐课和科学课。

10.But we do not have on the music lesson.但是我们没有上过音乐课。