




1.扎西 ... jiaoshi 小依依 tashi 清朗 balangate 法吉 ...

5.藏人上述消息是藏人维权组织在周四对外宣布的。这名藏人Tashi)此前在阿坝与另一名当场遇难的藏人(Lungtok)一起做出了 …

6.西星它便是这生命浪潮中游在最前端的完美作品——bason(巴松),塔西星tashi)主宰最先进文明的生物之一,bason的鼻祖, …


1.Tashi was brave and strong pke an eagle, and Drolma was beautiful and sweet pke the Moon.扎西像雄鹰一样勇敢矫健,卓玛像月亮一样美丽温柔。

2.I highly personal capacity, and Tashi people and seriously, strong sense of responsibipty.本人的个人能力较强,而且为人塌实和认真,责任心较强。

3.Tashi certainly understood what would happen, but looking at the blade on Drolma's neck, he had no choice. Slowly, he put down his knife.扎西当然明白,可是看着卓玛脖子上的钢刀,他别无选择。在两条豺狼得意的注视下,他慢慢放下了手中的武器……

4.I read Tashi Tsering's bio of "Struggle for Modern Tibet" & it sure didn't read as what you're alleging but I will table it for now.我读了扎西次仁的文章“为了现代化西藏而抗争”,我猜你肯定没读过,对于你指控的东西,我会去证明它。

5.tashi my style , cheerfulness , a higher education and a higher level of writing.本人作风塌实,开朗热情,具备较高的教育能力和较高的写作水平。

6.Time for lunch, Tashi and Drolma were walking back to their simple wooden house, totally had no idea that their doom was coming.是吃午饭的时间了,扎西和卓玛相依着走回他们简陋的木屋,并不知道他们的命运即将完全改变。

7.Europe is more people Tashi clock work, unity integrity, love and dedication, sophisticated dedication to the motto.欧脉人更是以塌实做事、团结诚信、敬业爱岗、精进奉献为座右铭。

8.Tashi one-upmanship, eventually obtaining victory pke riding.扎西骑术更胜一筹,最终获得胜利。

9.Without hesitating, Sanchi thrusted his sword through Tashi.桑吉没有犹豫,狠狠地向扎西扑了过去!

10.Lamas greet a relaxed day on Tashi Island who are doing Dharma things .在扎西半岛上做佛事的僧人们却迎来了轻松愉快的一天。