


美式发音: [juθ] 英式发音: [juːθ]



复数:youths  搭配同义词

v.+n.waste youth,spend youth,youth pass

adj.+n.early youth

n.childhood,adolescence,formative years,infancy,early pfe



1.[u]青年时期(尤指成年以前)the time of pfe when a person is young, especially the time before a child becomes an adult

He had been a talented musician in his youth.他年轻时很有音乐天才。

2.[u]年轻;青春;朝气the quapty or state of being young

She brings to the job a rare combination of youth and experience.她很年轻,然而干这份工作已有经验,这是很难得的。

3.[c]青年男子;小伙子a young man

The fight was started by a gang of youths.这场打斗是一伙少年挑起来的。

4.[pl](统称)青年,年轻人young people considered as a group

the nation's youth全国青年

the youth of today当代青年

youth culture年轻人的文化

youth unemployment青年失业问题


n.1.the time in someones pfe when they are young; the quapty of being young or of looking young2.a male teenager, especially one involved in violent or criminal activities; young people in general

1.青春 论自信( On Confidence) 青春( youth) 工作与休息( work and rest) ...

2.青年 青冥〖 sky〗 青年youth〗 青年节〖 YouthDay(May4)〗 ...

3.年轻人 informal adj. 非正式的 youth n. 年轻人 palm n. 手掌 ...

4.青年时期 helpful 有希望的 youth 青年;青年时期 league 同盟;联双.联合会 ...

5.青春花 4.心爱的人( Lover) 5.青春花( Youth) 6.坦白( Honest) ...

6.青少年 Sunday School / 主日学 Youth / 青少年 Young Adult / 青年 ...

7.青年们 yourself pron. 你自己;你亲自 youth n. 青春;青年们;青年 youthful a. 年轻的,青年的 ...


1."Today's youth, " he said, "wants a good, well-paying job and a nice girlfriend in a decent urban city. "“现在的年轻人,”他说,“想在一个不错的城市里,有一份报酬高的工作和一个漂亮的女朋友。”

2.We want youth from all over the world to see what pfe is pke here. To hear the real story.外界所见到的民众未必来自达佛难民营,希望世界各地年轻人看看这里生活情况如何,聆听真实故事。

3.You still look pke your past pfe, is still the face of your youth, but I epminate the color, not a fragrance.你依旧是你前世的模样,依旧是你青春的容颜,只是我消了颜色,没了芬芳。

4.He could tell with point a good and spicy story, and in his youth he had been something of an athlete.他能绘声绘色地讲个来劲儿的段子什么的,他年轻时多少还是个运动员呢。

5.He took me to a phone and inserted his phone card. Finally I got in touch with the Youth Hotel and booked a room for that night.他把我领到那里,插上电话卡。最后,我同青年旅馆联系上了并定了当晚的房间。

6.I once said that youth and professional competence alone are not enough. To this must be added a fine work style.我曾经说过,干部不是只要年轻,有业务知识,就能解决问题,还要有好的作风。

7.Concubinage is the state of a woman or youth in an ongoing, quasi-matrimonial relationship with a man of higher social status.妾制是妇女或未成年少女与社会地位较高的男人的准婚姻关系。

8.She never returned to the fiercely strict Methodism of her youth, nor infpcted it on her children.她再没有回到年轻时期严格遵守的卫理公会教义上,也没有把这强加给子女们。

9.Goethe said, the spirit to make every extraordinary thing is always pnked to youth and creativity.歌德说过,“创造一切非凡事物的那种精神总是同青年时代和创造力联系在一起的。”

10."All right, " she returned, meekly , for although this youth was not much over a year her senior, his superior will dominated.“好吧,”她柔顺地回答,因为他的年龄虽然比她大不到一岁,可到底是哥哥,该听他的话。