




1.两天 one day / 一天 two days / 两天 others / 其他 ...

2.二天 ... one and a half days (一天半), two days二天), one or two days (一两天)。 ...

3.两日 一日 One day 两日 Two days 作日/作天 Yesterday ...

4.我们将在两天后去上海 ... Winter/summer vacation 寒/暑假 ...4 Two days 两天一夜 ..2 Three days 三天两夜 ...3 ...

6.天时间 店主:那得看你做多少。 It depends on how many you order 店主:2天时间two days ...


1.Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week.一节课半小时比较好,因此你可以每周教两天,每次每门课半小时。

2.You can't wear a tank top two days in a row, and you can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week.你不能在连续的两天内穿同一件背心,你一个礼拜只能梳一次马尾辫。

3.This confirms it has formed at least a minor peak and is headed lower for a minimum of two days.这证实至少已经形成小高点,且将走低至少两天。

4.He said he had seen the film two days before.他说他两天前看过那部电影。

5.There's a small health cpnic, and recently it contracted with a doctor in another part of Colorado to visit two days a week.纳丘利塔的最后一个医生死于十五年前。那里有一间小诊所,最近约聘了一位来自科罗拉多州其他地方的医生,他每周来坐诊两天。

6.You know that after two days the Passover takes place, and the Son of Man is being depvered up to be crucified.你们知道过两天是逾越节,人子将要被交给人,钉十字架。

7.Everything is fine with me. And I might be home by the end of this month for two days.这里一切都好,这个月底我可能回去两天。

8.Two days later the watch stopped. Sidney could not make it start again. He took it back to the shop.两天后这表就停了,西德尼没法让它继续工作,他把表带回了商店。

9.But after two days of talks in Jerusalem and the West Bank there was no sign of progress in peace talks sponsored by the United States.但是,在耶路撒冷和约旦河西岸为期两天的会谈结束后,这次由美国主办的和平谈判并没有取得进展的迹象。

10.Learnt two days ago to have registered personal blog and informed all friends of mine without any delay in an air of triumph.刚学着注册了自己的博克,就得意的马上通知了所有的朋友。