


美式发音: [taɪ] 英式发音: [taɪ]


网络释义:戴;塔伊;Taiwan Yale Ensemble



1.戴 TUEN 段, 端 TYE TZE 子 ...

2.上横桁升降索具 toe 趾, 脚趾, 足尖 tye 上横桁升降索具 pe 撒谎 ...

3.塔伊 Tomkins 汤姆金斯 | Tye 塔伊 | Victoria 维多利亚 | ...

4.Taiwan Yale Ensemble Twain 分成两份 男性 中古英语 Tye 附上的 男性 古英语 Tyee 首长 男性 美洲土著 ...

6.隮 sye 跻 tye uye 脐 ...

7.悦悦 (243字) wyrjh 悦悦 tye (60字) wang8762 ...

8.色氨酸 ... 苏氨酸( Thr) 色氨酸( Tye) 颉氨酸( Val) ...


1.This article tye to make a simple review and comment of this side on the research of home scholar in recent decade.本文尝试在此方面,对我国学者近十年来的研究进行一下简单的回顾和评述。

2.With the rise of tye-dyeing crafts in every district, the Bai nationapty tie-dyeing is facing an unprecedented challenge.随着各地扎染工艺的兴起,白族扎染面临着前所未有的挑战。

3.Tommy Tye tried to tie his tie but tugging too tight tore his tie.汤米想系领带但拉太紧了把领带给扯断了

4.If you want to freeze tye , wrap them in foil or freezer bags.若您想把鸡肉急冻,应以以锡纸或保鲜袋盛载。

5.Tommy Tye tried to tie his tie but tugging too tight tore his tie. Tommy Tye试着想要系他的领带,但是因为拉的太紧以至于撕坏了

6.Tommy Tye tried to tie his tie but tugging too tight tore his tie. Tommy试着打他自己的领带结果因打得太紧了而使领带裂开了。

7.Will so my Will and Fancy tye,坚决缚住我的意志和想像,