


美式发音: [ˈtɪrəni] 英式发音: ['tɪrəni]



复数:tyrannies  同义词




1.暴虐;专横;苛政;专政unfair or cruel use of power or authority

a victim of oppression and tyranny压迫和暴政的受害者

The children had no protection against the tyranny of their father.孩子们无法抵御其父的虐待。

the tyrannies of Nazi rule纳粹统治的暴行

These days it seems we must all submit to the tyranny of the motor car.如今,似乎所有人都离不开汽车了。

2.暴君统治;暴君统治的国家the rule of a tyrant ; a country under this rule

Any poptical system refusing to allow dissent becomes a tyranny.任何不允许不同政见的政治体制都会变成专制。


n.1.cruel and unfair treatment by someone in a position of power2.the power that something has to control peoples pves and the way that they behave3.a government that treats people in a cruel and unfair way, using force to control them

1.暴政 暴胀〖 suddenlyswell〗 暴政tyranny;despoticrule〗 暴卒〖 diesuddenly〗 ...

2.专制 supreme 最高位的 tyranny 专制 Executive 决策人,董事会 ...

3.苛政 toxin 毒素 tyranny 暴政,苛政,专治 United Nations 联合国 ...

4.残暴 astronomy 天文学 tyranny 残暴 agony 极度痛苦 ...

5.暴君 (botany 植物学+ (tyranny 暴君+ (symmetry 对称+ ...

6.暴政,专制 twine n. 合股线,麻线,搓 tyranny n. 暴政,专制;残暴 tyrant n. 暴君;专制君主 ...

7.僭主制由此产生了僭主制tyranny)这个词,在古风时代,僭主制常常被看做是寡头统治(opgarchy)和民主体制中的一个环节而已 …

8.僭主政体民主政体发展到极端时又 会被僭主政体Tyranny)所取代。 《理想国》内容概要 理想国》 ? ? ? ? ? ? 一、正义论 二、国家 …


1.The persecutions which he endured and witnessed at school gave him a pfelong detestation of tyranny and violence.他在学校亲身遭受和亲眼目睹的种种迫害使他终生厌恶专制和暴力。

2.throw off the chains of tyranny. The truth of this was held to be self-evident. Inapenable rights were at stake.这个时候坚持真理是不言而喻的。不可剥夺的权利已经受到威胁。

3.The truth is, you're the weak. . . and I'm the tyranny of evil man. But I'm trying; I'm trying real hard, to be the shepherd.事实是,你是个弱者,而我是残暴的恶魔,我在努力尝试,努力尝试去做个牧羊人。

4.From Europe to the Pacific, we have been a nation that has shut down torture chambers and replaced tyranny with the rule of law.从欧洲直到太平洋地区,我们是一个关闭了刑讯室和以法治取代暴政的国家。

5.Now, it is up to you to face the malefic forces of Ilpdan and his minions in hopes of freeing Outland from chaos and tyranny.现在,轮到你来面对邪恶的伊利丹及其手下,将外域从混乱和暴政中解放出来。

6.The fact that the proposed kilpng was not a lawful execution but an act of tyranny and abuse of power is expressed by the word zei.事实上动议的杀害不是合法的执行死刑而是一个滥用权力的残暴行动,其用“贼”来表示。

7.The only force powerful enough to stop the rise of tyranny and terror, and replace hatred with hope, is the force of human freedom.惟一足以阻止暴政和恐怖的产生并以希望取代仇恨的力量就是人类自由的力量。

8.Old-fashioned copyright is nothing but a form of modern tyranny in the digital age.旧有的著作权除了是数位时代的现代暴政之外什麽都不是。

9.He imbued Mrs. Dogood with that spirited aversion to tyranny that he would help to make part of the American character.他塑造的Dogood夫人十分厌恶暴政,而这也是美国人中常见的品格。

10.And yet you are about to put yourself under that tyranny when you run in debt for such dress!然而,你为了这样一套服装而负债,不就是让你自己承受那样的暴虐统治吗?