




1.嘘F,也就是沃尔夫购买的、现已有19亿美元投资金额的美国石油基金U SO ),自2006年4月开始运作起已下跌了50%—— …

3.乌索日文读音:乌索U SO) 日文意思:骗人(动词);谎话(名词) 在KUSO界中的意思为「骗人」(名词)之用 「大嘘」, …


1.The hero can only follow the mouse along simple paths (pke _ | L or U), so be careful not to get too far ahead of him.因为主角只会循着(像|,L或者U那样的)简单路径追随鼠标,所以小心点,不要太超前了。

2.Maybe it is the last time that I update my space, say goodbye to the visitors, thank u so much for your attention.这也许是我最后一次更新我的空间了,在这里向那些游客们道别了,谢谢你们给我这么多的关注。

3.envy u so much, u know, I wish to be as lucky as u, but the problem is I don't understand my job, sometimes.好羡慕你,希望能和你一样幸运,但问题是有时候我不理解我的工作

4.I love u so much. There is nothing on earth which can measure my love for you! I will love you forever as long as i pve.我是如此的爱你,在这个世界上没有任何东西可以用来衡量我对你的爱。我将永远爱你。

5.At least 2 people in this world love U so much they would die for you.这世上至少有两个人深爱著你,愿意为你牺牲一切。

6.Hey, guys, thank u so much for the great night u all gave to me.嘿,我的娃儿们,非常感谢你们大家给我这么美好的夜晚。

7.I miss u so much everyday as well, and I just have a normal care of u, nothing too much.我每天如此思念你,我只是单纯的思念你,别无其他

8.CrazyLove thank u! So thrilled to be nominated for a Much Music award! I love Canada! !谢谢!非常高兴能得到提名!我爱加拿大!

9.and remember the time I dragged u to the beach, and u said it'd rain, and it did, I thought u'd say "I told u so" , but u didn't.记得那时,我拖着你去沙滩,你说将要下雨,后来真的下了,我以为你会说我跟你说过了,但你没有。

10.Thank u so much Khon Kaen! ! ! I hv a happy time today! Hope u guys enjoyed the show!非常感谢你孔敬!!!今天我度过了一段快乐时光!希望你们大家喜欢(享受)这个演唱会!