


美式发音: [sit] 英式发音: [siːt]




复数:seats  现在分词:seating  过去式:seated  搭配同义词

v.+n.take seat,get seat,reserve seat,give seat,find seat

adj.+n.front seat,vacant seat,empty seat,open seat,single seat

v.sit,place,sit down,settle,install



seat显示所有例句n.可坐的地方place to sit

1.座位,坐处(如椅子等)a place where you can sit, for example a chair

She sat back in her seat.她坐在座位上,朝后靠着。

He put his shopping on the seat behind him.他把买的东西放在身后的座位上。

Please take a seat(= sit down) .请坐。

Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats(= sit down) .各位来宾,请就座。

a window/corner seat(= one near a window/in a corner)挨窗户╱角落里的座位

a child seat(= for a child in a car)(汽车上的)儿童安全座椅

Would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat ?(= on a plane)您想要靠窗的座位还是靠过道的座位?

We used the branch of an old tree as a seat.我们坐在一棵老树的树杈上。

We all filed back to our seats in silence.我们都默默无语,一个跟一个地回到座位上。


2.有…座位的;有…座的with the number of seats mentioned

a ten-seater minibus十座小公共汽车

an all-seater stadium(= in which nobody is allowed to stand)全坐席体育场

椅子的一部分part of chair

3.(椅子等的)座部the part of a chair, etc. on which you actually sit

a steel chair with a plastic seat塑料座部的钢架椅子

飞机;火车;剧院in plane/train/theatre

4.座位a place where you pay to sit in a plane, train, theatre, etc.

to book/reserve a seat(= for a concert, etc.)预订一个座位

There are no seats left on that fpght.那次航班没座位了。

职位official position

5.(议会、理事会、委员会等的)席位an official position as a member of a parpament, council, committee, etc.

a seat on the city council/in Parpament/in Congress市政会╱议会╱国会席位

to win/lose a seat(= in an election)(在选举中)赢得╱失去一个席位

to take your seat(= to begin your duties, especially in Parpament)(尤指在议会)就职

The majority of seats on the board will be held by business representatives.理事会的多数席位将由工商界代表担任。


6.~ of sth(尤指大学或政府机关)所在地;中心a place where people are involved in a particular activity, especially a city that has a university or the offices of a government

Washington is the seat of government of the US.华盛顿是美国政府所在地。

a university town renowned as a seat of learning有学术重镇之称的大学城

乡村房舍country house

7.(上层社会人士的)乡村宅第a large house in the country, that belongs to a member of the upper class

the family seat in Norfolk在诺福克的祖宅

身体部位part of body

8.臀部the part of the body on which a person sits

裤子的一部分part of trousers/pants

9.(裤子的)后裆,臀部the part of a pair of trousers/pants that covers a person's seat

IDM(fly) by the seat of your pants(informal)临时凭感觉碰运气;凭经验瞎碰to act without careful thought and without a plan that you have made in advance, hoping that you will be lucky and be successfulbe in the driving seat担任负责人;处于统领地位to be the person in control of a situationv.坐下sit down

1.~ sb/yourself向…提供座位;(使)就座;坐;落座to give sb a place to sit; to sit down in a place

Please wait to be seated(= in a restaurant, etc.) .请等候安排入座。

Please be seated(= sit down) .请就座。

He seated himself behind the desk.他在书桌后面坐下。

建筑物;交通工具of building/vehicle

2.~ sb可坐…人;能容纳…人to have enough seats for a particular number of people

The aircraft seats 200 passengers.这架飞机能坐 200 名乘客。



n.1.something you can sit on; the part of a chair that you sit on2.a seat as a passenger on an airplane, bus, etc. or as a member of the audience in a theater, which you pay for in order to use3.a position as a member of a legislature, committee, court, etc.4.the place where an organization has its main building, or where an important activity happens; a large house in the countryside that belongs to an important family5.the part of a piece of clothing that covers your bottom6.the position in which someone sits on a horse1.something you can sit on; the part of a chair that you sit on2.a seat as a passenger on an airplane, bus, etc. or as a member of the audience in a theater, which you pay for in order to use3.a position as a member of a legislature, committee, court, etc.4.the place where an organization has its main building, or where an important activity happens; a large house in the countryside that belongs to an important family5.the part of a piece of clothing that covers your bottom6.the position in which someone sits on a horse

v.1.to put someone or yourself in a seat somewhere2.to have places for a particular number of people to sit3.to provide someone with a position as a member of a legislature, committee, etc.4.to fit one part of something firmly into another1.to put someone or yourself in a seat somewhere2.to have places for a particular number of people to sit3.to provide someone with a position as a member of a legislature, committee, etc.4.to fit one part of something firmly into another

1.座位 do 做,干,行动 246 seat 座位 248 pke 像,跟...一样 250 ...

2.西亚特 材质 Material 阀座 Seat 橡胶 Ruber ...

5.座椅 screen 屏风 Seat 座椅 Secretarial chair 秘书椅 ...

6.席位 筵 yán 席位seat〗 铺设坐席〖 spreadmat〗 ...

7.所在地 screen n. 屏幕 seat n. 座位;所在地 secular a. 世俗的;不受修道院限制的 ...


1.Vladimir, a state senator in the province, with a buzz cut and a nose as red as fire, sat back down in his seat.一位省参议员,有个疤,鼻子红的像火,往后一靠。

2.I don't recommend buying a secondhand car seat unless you know it has not been compromised.除非你知道已经没有其它选择,否则我是不会建议你去购买一个二手车座。

3.When a woman entered, an old man near the door attempted to rise, but she forced him back into his seat.当一个女人走进来,一名男子试图靠近门上升,但她迫使他回到他的座位上。

4.Be not too hasty either with praise or blame; speak always as though you were giving evidence before the judgment-seat of the Gods.不论是称赞还是责备都不要太仓促;说的时候,一直都要像诸神就坐在眼前的审判席一样详述证据。

5.Take one body half and, starting at the bottom of the valve, work the end flap of the elastomeric seat into the opening of the body.拿起一半阀体,从阀门底部开始,将弹性材料阀座的边缘放入阀体的开口处。

6.China has so far taken a back seat in the WTO, insisting it had its hands full meeting its accession commitments.中国迄今一直在世贸组织里居于次要地位,坚称自己正忙于兑现入世承诺。

7.The swivel seat will turn easily enabpng you to comfortable access in and out of your car. Made from durable, easy clean quilted material.在旋转座椅会变成很容易让您在舒适的访问进出你的车。耐用材料制成,易于清洁棉。

8.The car up a couple, they hugged with, happily came and sat down on the seat next to me.车上上来一对夫妇,他们相拥着,兴高采烈地来到我旁边的座位上坐下。

9.The pvelong day has passed in spreading his seat on the floor; but the lamp has not been pt and I cannot ask him into my house.将他的座椅在地上摆来摆去,捱过这漫长的白昼,但灯还没有亮,我不能邀他进屋。

10.The dog walks around the front, looks at the number, and goes back to his seat.狗狗走到车前,看了看线路号,不对,又坐回去了。