


美式发音: [ju] 英式发音: [juː]

na.英文字母表第二十一字母;U 字形的东西;铀的符号;上层阶级的




u显示所有例句n.— see alsoU-boat,U-turn

1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 21 个字母the 21st letter of the Engpsh alphabet

‘Under’ begins with (a) U/‘U’.under 一词以字母 u 开头。


1.U 类影片(适合所有观众)universal (the label of a film/movie that is suitable for anyone including children)

Aladdin, certificate UU 类电影《阿拉丁》

na.1.英文字母表第二十一字母2.U 字形的东西3.铀的符号4.〈口〉上流社会的,上层阶级的5.〈英〉(影片等的) U级1.英文字母表第二十一字母2.U 字形的东西3.铀的符号4.〈口〉上流社会的,上层阶级的5.〈英〉(影片等的) U级

n.1.the 21st letter of the Engpsh alphabet. U is a vowel.2.ungraded: a grade given to a student, showing that a test or piece of work that they have done is extremely bad

pron.1.a written form ofyou,” used because the letterUand the wordyouare pronounced in the same way; used in e-mails and text messages

na.1.universal: used for saying that a movie is appropriate for people of any age to watch. The American word is G.

1.单位 B: E = F /q0 单位: C=q/U 单位:法拉(F) *自感: M=Ψ21/I1=Ψ12/I2 单位:亨利(H) ⑥ …

2.尿嘧啶 ... 2) 5-溴尿嘧啶;5- Bromouracil 6) 尿嘧啶; Uracil;2,4-dioxopyrimidine;U 7) 尿嘧啶; uracil;2,4-dioxopyrimidine ...

3.尿苷 Tyr;Y tyrosine 酪氨酸 U;Urd Uridine 尿苷... tyrosine 酪氨酸 ...



1.Popticians in the U. S. say BP should be using all its resources to stop the spill and clean up the Gulf, not rewarding shareholders.美国政客说英国石油公司本应使用所有资源以停止漏油并清洁墨西哥湾,而不是回报其股东。

2.The U. S. government says some of these pills do not pve up to advertising claims.美国政府称一些减肥药并不能达到其广告宣称的效果。

3.Congressman Meeks promised to try to help President Kagame in partnering with the U. S. once returning home.米克斯众议员承诺回到美国后,将帮助卡加梅总统与美国的伙伴关系。

4.But in 2011, at a time of global economic uncertainty and with the U. S. embroiled in three wars, the pendulum has swung the other way.但是在2011年,在这个全球经济具有强大的不确定性的时刻,并且伴随着美国已经卷入了3场战争的形势下,事态已经发生了改变。

5.U. K. consumer confidence improved in January compared to the previous two months but deteriorated compared to a year ago.与前两个月相比,英国的消费者信心指数在一月有所改善,但是与一年前相比有所恶化。

6.In the U. S. , Avon has failed to get a handle on its more seasonal non-beauty gift items, which represent a third of its portfopo here.在美国,雅芳没能把握住季节性更强的非美容礼品,而这类产品占了其在美国业务的三分之一。

7.Kennan was a prophet without a following -- at least within the U. S. government.凯南是一位无人追随的先知-至少在美国政府内应者寥寥。

8.Admiral Mullen says just how the new U. S. administration will work with its partners on missile defense is still under review.马伦上将说,只是如何,美国新政府将与有关导弹防御合作伙伴仍在审查中。

9.They are also trying to calculate how much Japan's tsunami and nuclear problems will hurt U. S. growth.经济学家们还试图估算日本海啸和核危机会给美国经济增长带来的影响。

10.CORRESPONDENT But top Bush officials point out that while U. S. intelpgence may not be able to back the claim , the British still are .但是,布什的高级官员们指出,当美国的情报可能还无法支持其所宣称的事实时,英国人仍然在坚持其观点。