


网络释义:跟单信用证统一惯例;解偶联蛋白;信用状统一惯例(Uniform Customs and Practice)


1.跟单信用证统一惯例您介绍新一代融合基础架构解决方案 Hitachi Unified Compute Platform (UCP) 如何通过将最佳基础架构、显著简化的协调功 …

5.跟单信用证统一惯例与实务《跟单信用证统一惯例与实务》(UCP)和国际商会《国际标准银行实务》(ISBP)作为信用证业务操作的基本惯例和国际准 …


1.UCP has also suppped Boots with an easy open closure for non-regulated products from the same basic mould set.解偶联蛋白也供应靴,一个容易打开封闭的非受规管产品由相同的基本模具一套。

2.In the opening of letters of credit in the body, to show "UCP 500" , and therefore binding on all the parties.在开立信用证的正文上,均表明适用于“UCP500”,故其对各有关当事人具有约束力。

3.The structure of a transport document is not governed by the UCP; this is for each shipping company or agent to determine.运输单据的整体结构不是由UCP来决定的,是由各自海运公司或代理人决定的。

4.The UCP 600, to its credit, is proposing some positive changes, nevertheless.该解偶联蛋白600,其信贷,是提出了一些积极的变化,不过。

5.To overcome these difficulties, UCP designed a special pner support structure and snap beads inside the dome.克服这些困难,解偶联蛋白设计了一个特别班轮支持结构和管理单元珠内的圆顶。

6.They claim that, according to UCP 500, there can only be one date on the bills, which accordingly is also the actual sending date.他们主张,根据UCP500,提单上只能有一个日期,因此也是实际的发运日期。

7.Standby credits are already governed by the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) (1983 Revision NO. 400).备用信用证业已由《跟单信用证统一惯例(UCP)》(1983年版,第400号出版物)来调整。

8.But extra UCP-3 causes the mice to burn off energy without making ATP - their bodies produce more heat instead.但多余的UCP-3使这些老鼠将能量耗光而不产生ATP-它们的身体产生的是更多的热量。

9.Uncouppng protein(UCP)1 is an integral membrane protein that is located in the mitochondrial inner membrane of brown adipocytes.解偶联蛋白(跟单信用证统一惯例)1是一个完整的膜蛋白,位于线粒体内膜的棕色脂肪细胞。

10.Article 4 the UCP further states that banks deal with documents only, they are not concerned with the goods (facts).第四条进一步规定,银行只处理单据,而非单据所涉及的货物或其他。