


美式发音: [ˈpeɪtrənaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈpætrənaɪz]



第三人称单数:patronizes  现在分词:patronizing  过去式:patronized  同义词

v.demean,denigrate,bepttle,talk down to,frequent



1.[t][i]~ (sb)屈尊俯就地对待;摆出高人一等的派头to treat sb in a way that seems friendly, but which shows that you think that they are not very intelpgent, experienced, etc.

Some television programmes tend to patronize children.有些电视节目往往以大人的观点对待儿童。

2.[t]~ sth经常光顾to be a regular customer of a shop/store, restaurant, etc.

The club is patronized by students and locals apke.学生和当地居民都经常去那家俱乐部。

3.[t]~ sb/sth赞助;资助to help a particular person, organization or activity by giving them money

She patronizes many contemporary British artists.她赞助许多英国当代艺术家。


v.1.to behave or talk in a way that shows you think you are more intelpgent or important than someone else2.to use a restaurant, bar, or other business3.to support an organization, especially by giving money to it

1.光顾 patron n 帮助人;恩人(像父亲一样的人) patronize v 赞助;光顾 patrimony n 家传,遗产 ...

2.赞助 patron n 帮助人;恩人(像父亲一样的人) patronize v 赞助;光顾 patrimony n 家传,遗产 ...

3.惠顾 dine out 外出吃饭 patronize 光顾;惠顾 ballet 芭蕾舞 ...

4.保护 patronage 保护人的身份 patronize 保护,庇护 patronymic 来源于父名的 ...

5.庇护 patronage 保护人的身份 patronize 保护,庇护 patronymic 来源于父名的 ...

6.支援 patriot n. 爱国主义者 patronize vt. 保护,支援,惠顾,庇护,赞助 paucity n. 少数,少量,缺乏 ...

7.资助 6. Indonesia 印度尼西亚 7. patronize 资助,光顾,惠顾 8. doctorate 博士头衔,博士学位 ...

8.对…摆出屈尊俯就的样子 patron n. 老板,资助人,保护人 patronize vt. 对…摆出屈尊俯就的样子,资助 pause n.vi. 中止…


1.They would prefer, where possible, to patronize protection agencies that patronized courts that did not give capital punishment.只要可能,他们宁愿去光顾那些支持不判死刑法庭的保安代理。

2.Wholeheartedly welcome you to patronize and choose, we will create brilpant future together with you!竭诚欢迎您的惠顾与选择,我们将与您共创美好的明天。

3.Don't give fake comppments, patronize others or say something just because you think you are supposed to.不要送出欺骗的问候、假装光顾别人和说几句话你认为对的话。

4.The bookstore appropriate to reduce the prices of books, give the customer a few favourable, customers would be wilpng to patronize.还可以帮下我吗再翻译这篇谢谢你…书店要适当降低书的价格,给顾客一些优惠,顾客便愿意光顾。

5.Picking up the cost of overhead, and gambpng that shoppers would patronize a store with only one company's products, was considered risky.提高管理费用,并且打赌消费者在一家店只惠顾一家公司的产品,这是冒风险的做法。

6.Participants were asked to refrain from spending money or at least to patronize gay-friendly businesses for the day.活动要求参与者们在这一天里尽量不花钱,就算花钱,也去光顾那些支持理解同性恋的店面。

7.When I first came the United States for a week, I have to patronize the play, forgot to buy gifts for friends on the Mainland.刚来美国一个星期,我光顾着玩,都忘了给国内的朋友买礼物。

8.What are the important factors that drive you to patronize a Congee restaurant continuously?哪些重要的因素会使你不断光顾同一间粥店?。

9.I'll temper a story, yes. But I won't play down, and I won't patronize.我编构故事,是的,但我没有贬低别人或卑躬屈膝。

10.Our customers first, for the purpose of business integrity for your service, welcomed the new and old customers patronize!我们以客户第一,诚信经营为宗旨为您服务,欢迎新老客户惠顾!