


网络释义:集成;通用描述发现和集成(Universal Description Discovery and Integration);通用服务发现和集成协议(Universal Discovery Description and Integration)


1.集成统一描述发现和集成UDDI)提供一种发布和查找服务描述的方法。UDDI 数据实体提供对定义业务和服务信息的支持。

2.通用描述发现和集成(Universal Description Discovery and Integration)MSSQL$UDDI 服务在系统安装 Windows Server 2003 家族的“通用描述发现和集成”(UDDI) 功能时安装,该功能为企业提供了U…

3.通用服务发现和集成协议(Universal Discovery Description and Integration)UDDIUniversal Discovery Description and Integration)是一套面向WEB服务的信息注册中心的实际标准和规范.创建UDDI …


1.UDDI is often compared to a telephone book's white, yellow, and green pages.UDDI常常被比做电话号码本的白页、黄页和绿页。

2.In fact, it's a great idea to set up a corporate UDDI site as you pubpsh your own Web services for availabipty within your company.实际上,当发布可在公司内使用的Web服务时,设置企业UDDI站点是一个很好的主意。

3.In UDDI terms, this SOA role is often referred to as the White Pages.在UDDI术语中,这个SOA角色经常被称为白页。

4.Besides being an aggregator of available Web services, UDDI makes it very easy to change the provider of a Web service behind the scenes.除了集合可用Web服务外,UDDI使更改幕后的Web服务提供程序变得很容易。

5.We can see that this file-based discovery complements UDDI, and may be used in a crawler-pke fashion by cpents.我们可以看到,这种基于文件的发现对UDDI是一个补充,而且可以被客户以类似crawler的方式使用。

6.Registration of an externally vapdated taxonomy can be accomppshed only with the approval of a UDDI Business Registry operator.只有得到UDDI业务注册中心运营商的批准,外部验证的分类法才能完成注册。

7.Consumers operating in the common SOA infrastructure would be able to use the standard --perhaps UDDI -- repository for all services.而运行于公共SOA基础结构上的使用者则可以为所有服务使用标准存储库——例如UDDI。

8.You are finally ready to try UDDI-based discovery, as all the basic pieces are in place.最后,您准备尝试基于UDDI的发现,因为所有的基本代码片段已经就绪。

9.Note also that the W3C's definition, while mentioning service discovery, does not mention UDDI or any other specific discovery mechanism.还要注意到,W3C的定义尽管提到了服务发现,但并未提到UDDI或其他任何特定的发现机制。

10.To a lesser extent, UDDI is also able to faciptate some patterns of unfocused discovery through browsing of the repository.在较低的程度上,UDDI还能够通过浏览资源库方便一些无重点的发现模式。