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n.1.the name used by the Romans for the Greek hero Odysseus

1.尤利西斯 Tyler 泰勒 Ulysses 尤利塞斯 Valentine 瓦伦丁 ...

4.尤利西斯号开放分类: 宇宙 ·天文 玑横抚辰仪 玑横抚辰 …

6.尤力西斯”奥德赛” 的主角是尤力西斯 (Ulysses),也叫做奥迪西阿斯 (Odysseus)。他在特洛伊战争时是希腊联军的一位将领,战前是希腊 …

7.尤利西斯号太空船   尤利西斯号太空船Ulysses)是唯一人类发射的太阳绕极卫星,也就是说,它的轨道倾角几乎与地球绕太阳的公转面垂直,因 …


1.When Autolycus gave Ulysses his name, he said that he must come to stay with him, when he was a big boy, and he would get splendid presents.当奥托吕科斯给尤利西斯取名字的时候,他说尤利西斯长成一个大男孩后必须去跟他住在一起,那时候尤利西斯会得到极好的礼物。

2.At the age of twenty, I borrowed books from pbrary pke Shakespeare's Complete Works, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ulysses.二十岁的时候,从图书馆借的是《莎士比亚全集》、《一个青年艺术家的自画像》和《尤里西斯》。

3.And Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877) flatly declared, "I never wanted to get out of a place as much as I did to get out of the presidency. "格兰特(UlyssesS.Grant,1869-1877年)更是直言不讳地说:“我从来没有像希望离开总统职位那样希望离开任何一个地方。”

4.She had advanced far enough to join him in ridicupng the Idyls of the King, but not to feel the beauty of Ulysses and the Lotus Eaters.她已经进步到能与他一起嘲笑《国王牧歌》,但尚不能感受《尤利西斯》与《食忘忧果者》的美妙。

5.A classic illustration of the extended will at work is Ulysses' decision to have his men bind him to the mast of his ship.它的一个经典案例是,尤利西斯决定让他的手下将其绑在船桅上。

6.Ulysses' main transmitter no longer works and its back-up systems are also beginning to fail.尤里西斯的主传送机已经坏了,后备系统也开始出问题。

7.Similarly, says Fisk , it "doesn't make sense" to turn off Ulysses just as the Sun comes to the end of a 22-year magnetic cycle.与此相似,此时关闭尤利西斯也“毫无意义”,因为太阳正迎来其22年磁周期的终结。

8.In Ulysses, the events of the day seem to be trivial, insignificant or even banal.在《尤利西斯》小说中,这一天内发生的事情极为琐碎,毫无意义,甚至非常陈腐。

9.Ulysses planned how he might take vengeance for His murdered friends and effect His escape with His surviving companions.尤利西斯盘算着如何为被害的朋友报仇,并如何和生还的伙伴一起逃离虎口。

10.Their job was to keep Union forces from invading the South through Kentucky. One of the Union generals in the area was Ulysses Grant.他们的任务是防止联盟军经由肯塔基州攻入南方。而统领该地区的联盟军将领之中就有尤利西斯·格兰特。