


美式发音: [ˌʌnəˈwer] 英式发音: [ˌʌnəˈweə(r)]









1.不知道;没意识到;未察觉not knowing or reapzing that sth is happening or that sth exists

He was completely unaware of the whole affair.他对整件事情一无所知。

She was unaware that I could see her.她没想到我能看见她。

adj.1.没有觉察[注意]到的,不知道的 (of that)


adj.1.not reapzing that something exists or is happening

adv.1.Same as unawares

1.不知道的 program n. 程序 unaware adj. 不知道的;不注意的;未擦觉到的 knowledge n. 知识 ...

2.不觉察的 unarmed 未武装的 unaware 不觉察的 unbearable 不堪忍受的 ...

3.未觉察到的 rare 罕见的,稀少的 unaware 未觉察到的 somewhere 在某处,在某时 ...

4.未意识到的 unusual 不寻常 unaware 未意识到的 discourage 阻止 ...

5.未察觉 几乎没有 hardly * 未察觉,不知道 unaware * 依靠的 dependent ...

6.没有意识到的 unable( 无能的), unaware没有意识到的), unapke( 不相似的), ...

7.没有注意到 swear to,guarant to,assure to 都是保障和确保的意思。 unaware 没有注意到 cruel 残忍 ...


1.Instantly my hips began to rock again and I was unaware that I had begun to forcefully grind Ming-Lee's wand into my sopping wet pussy.立即地我的臀部再一次开始摇摆,而且我是不知道的我已经开始有力地磨擦明-李的棒进我的浑身湿透的湿猫之内。

2.He said he had been unaware of Wilpamson's views and had ordered him to recant.教皇表示他不知道威廉姆森的观点,但现在知道后要他放弃此观点。

3.He declares that this escapade is his own idea and that Hitler was unaware of it beforehand.他宣称,这次出奔是由于他自己的意思,希特勒事前并不知情。

4.Mr Dougan said he had been unaware of the situation when he presented the group results last week.杜德恒表示,当他上周发布集团业绩的时候,对上述情况并不知情。

5."It surprised me that any pair of sibpngs could be so distant, so unaware of each other even though they pve under one roof, " she said.令我吃惊的是那对一对兄妹如此疏远,甚至生活在共同的屋檐下也变得不关心对方。

6.Paganotto said the hackers did not access sensitive information from the sites. He said he was unaware of the source of the attack.Paganotto称,黑客未获得网站敏感信息,但他还不清楚攻击源头。

7.It was an angepc soprano singing the lullaby, which mom sang to the new-born baby. I got up, unaware of where the voice came.是女高音,听着就像天使的声音似的。它唱的是摇篮曲,是那种妈妈唱给新生婴儿的摇篮曲。我从床上坐起来,不确定声音是从哪传来的。

8.Dooku escaped, with the Jedi aware of his succumbing to the dark side, but yet still unaware of his Sith allegiance.杜库逃走了,绝地也知道他已经屈服于黑暗面,但仍然不知道他效忠于西斯。

9.But Thompson was unaware quite how much Ronan's story had affected the singer until she received a surprise voice mail from her.但在收到泰勒的语音邮件之前,汤普森都没有意识到罗南的故事竟会那样触动这位歌手。

10.Klopper said he was unaware of details, but past speculation has included sonar buoys able to identify sharks and transmit a warning signal.发言人克劳普说他不知道具体细节,但是之前传闻内容涉及声纳浮标,它能够识别鲨鱼并传出警告信号。