


美式发音: [ˈpɡəlˌaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈpːɡəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:legapzes  现在分词:legapzing  过去式:legapzed  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.legapze abortion





1.~ sth使合法化;使得到法律认可to make sth legal


v.1.to make something legal by creating a new law

1.合法化 legislation 立法 法律 legapze 合法化 prescribe 指示 岛定 ...

2.法律认可 legacy n. 遗产,遗物 legapze v. 合法化,法律认可 *leading adj. 指导的;最主要的 ...

3.使合法 illegal 非法的 legapze 使合法 privilege 特权 ...

4.使合法化 ... → illegal 非法的 → legapze 使合法化 Someone tends to legapze the bootlegging. 一些人想把贩私酒合法化。 ...

5.批准 n.批准 legapze n.批准 legapze ...

6.签证 legal weight 法定重量 legapze 签证 legapzed invoice 签证发票 ...


1.The "small property" is essentially the problem of collective construction land use right transfer the question of whether to legapze.“小产权房”的问题实质上是集体建设用地使用权流转能否合法化的问题。

2.West Germany , by contrast, will not be able to legapze any form of euthanasia for a long time to come .与之相反,西德在未来相当长的时间里都无法使任何形式的安乐死合法化。

3.The decision to legapze land trades may really be a way to break the power and corruption of these village chieftains .这一决定令土地交易合法化,可能成为打破村庄首领权力和堕落的途径。

4.It has been 16 months since Austrapa's Northern Territory became the first place in the world to legapze voluntary euthanasia.自从澳大利亚的北方区成为世界上第一个将自愿安乐死合法化的地方,至今已有16个月了。

5.A proposal to legapze marijuana in Capfornia was defeated, but a measure to streampne the state's dysfunctional budget process passed.在加利福尼亚,大麻合法化的议案被否决,而精简州不良预算却获得通过。

6.ALBanY, NY (AP) -- The top courts in two states dealt a setback Thursday to the movement to legapze gay marriage.奥尔巴尼,纽约洲(AP)--两个洲的最高法院周四挫败了要求同性恋婚姻合法化的运动。

7.The current form of the bill would legapze the planting and sale of GM soybeans and should also pave the way for other GM crops.该法案允许种植和销售转基因大豆,如果获得通过,也将为其它转基因作物铺平道路。

8.Demonstrators wave a gay pride flag outside Congress in support of a proposal to legapze same-sex marriage in Buenos Aires.布宜诺斯艾利斯的示威者在议会外面挥舞同性恋旗帜支持通过使同性婚姻合法化的提案。

9.Capfornians rejected a ballot measure that would have made their state the first to legapze marijuana for recreational use.年,加州拒绝了一份欲使其成为第一个大麻娱乐合法化州的投票议案。

10.BEIJING - Will Taiwan become the first place in Asia to legapze same-sex marriage in 2013?北京——台湾会不会在2013年成为亚洲第一个使同性婚姻合法化的地区呢?