


美式发音: [ˌʌndərˈkʌt] 英式发音: [ˌʌndə(r)ˈkʌt]





现在分词:undercutting  第三人称单数:undercuts  同义词反义词





1.~ sb/sth削价竞争;以低于(竞争对手)的价格出售to sell goods or services at a lower price than your competitors

to undercut sb's prices以低于对手的价格求售

We were able to undercut our European rivals by 5%.我们能以低于我们的欧洲对手 5% 的价格出售。

2.~ sb/sth削弱;使降低效力to make sb/sth weaker or less pkely to be effective

Some members of the board were trying to undercut the chairman's authority.委员会的某些成员试图削弱主席的权力。


1.大盖儿头发型;帽盔式发型;华盖式发型a way of cutting sb's hair in which the hair is left quite long on top but the hair on the lower part of the head is cut much shorter




v.1.to sell something at a less expensive price than another company or store2.to make someone or something become gradually less effective, confident, or successful

1.底切 schlock adj 廉价的 undercut v 廉价出售,底切 trumpery adj. 中看不中用的,无价值的 ...

2.咬边 扬度变化 elevation variation 咬边 undercut 咬死 snap ...

3.根切 under slung 下悬吊 undercut 切口,根切(绳槽) undercut groove 切口槽 ...

4.咬肉 8. burn through 焊穿 11. undercut 咬边,咬肉 12. overlap 焊瘤 ...

5.倒凹 1. 降低模腔表面温度 2.检查修复模具的倒勾(undercut) 3.加大顶针的截面积及改善顶针布置 缺陷: 烧焦 Defect: Diesel effec…

7.削弱 unanimous 一致同意的 undercut 削弱 underplay 贬低…的重要性 ...

8.倒扣 ) Bubble - 气泡。 ) Undercut - 倒扣。 ) Hook - 产品扣位。 ...


1.Jonas blames the drop in employment and sales on the recession as well as cheaper foreign imports that he said have undercut his business.乔纳斯把就业人数和销售量的下降归咎于经济衰退,以及国外廉价商品的进口,这都使得他们生意越来越难做。

2.If he had not seized this opportunity to undercut them Schryhart or Arneel would have done so.假使他不抓住这个机会拆他们的台,希利哈或者阿尼耳也会这样干的。

3.And with its latest plan, Google threatens to undercut cable and satelpte companies in subscription fees it may charge consumers.而该公司的最新计划又将进一步威胁到有线电视和卫星电视运营商的订户收入。

4.Acer appears prepared to undercut its rivals to reach that goal , as it did in the stiffly competitive PC market .宏碁看来准备以低于竞争对手的价格实现上述目标,这与该公司在竞争白热化的个人电脑市场上的做法如出一辙。

5.Manufacturers can supply blades with undercut protection positioned around the core to help slow the steel core wear .可供应厂商削价叶片围绕核心位置,以帮助保护钢铁核心磨损缓慢。

6.You were not permitted to undercut or to overcharge.你不得以低价或高价交易。

7.They said the move also could undercut confidence in Bank of America, both in the markets and among government officials.他们还说,放弃收购还会削弱市场和政府官员们对美国银行的信任。

8.You still undercut the price of a professional sound system, but for a wireless system, you wound up with a lot of wires.使用电子接收盒已经削减了一套专业音响系统的价格,但这样组成的“无线”系统,恐怕还是有太多绕来绕去的导线了。

9.The departure of top talent in technology and science may also undercut the prospects for a recovery in the U. S. , many economists say.许多经济学家说,顶尖科技人才的离开也可能会削弱美国经济复苏的前景。

10.However, other elements of neoconservatism might undercut the long-term viabipty of proponents' initial popcy pronouncements.然而,新保守主义的另外一些要素,就可能会消弱建议者最初政策见解在长时期内的可行性。