


美式发音: [ˌʌndərˈweɪ] 英式发音: [ˌʌndə(r)ˈweɪ]





adv.under way





adj.1.already started or happening2.already moving

1.在航 Undertake 同意 Underway 在航 Undue Delay 不应有的延迟 ...

2.航行中的 ... headfirst headfirstadv. 头向前地, 不顾前后地 underway adj. 起步的,进行中的, 航行中的 genie n. 妖怪, 鬼 ...

3.进行中 Registers 寄存器 “Underway - 进行中”和 “Queued - 等候处理中” ...

4.起步的,进行中的 ... headfirst headfirstadv. 头向前地, 不顾前后地 underway adj. 起步的,进行中的, 航行中的 genie n. 妖怪, 鬼 ...

5.在进行中的 complexity 复杂性 underway 在进行中的 pe 躺,展现 ...

6.正在进行 underwater 水中的 underway 正在进行 underwrite 写在下面 ...


1.A new study is underway to find out how much pain is genetic, and how much is mimicked.一项新的研究正在研究多少头痛与遗传有关,多少是假性头痛?

2.WENDY WHITE: You can never really just rely on one businessanymore, you've sort have got to have two or more underway.温迪:你不能仅仅只靠一样东西谋生,起码得有两三样活用来生活,

3.As you approach the end of this year, it may be your conclusion that the many events we have continually spoken of must get underway.由于你们在接近今年的末尾,这许多将发生的事件将可能是你们的结论,这些我们已经频繁提及的必须落实的事情。

4.She said discussions on joint action were underway with some Arab countries, but Egypt said it would not be involved in any attacks.她表示,目前正与几个阿拉伯国家商讨联合行动问题,但是埃及表示不会参与任何袭击。

5.More of a proposal to put thee. I've a venture underway, and I find myself in need of a ship and a crew.应该说是个提议,尊敬的船长。我又要开始冒险了,却发觉自己还缺艘船和船员。

6.Once the implementation is underway, an organization must be ready to measure performance and to manage the changes that will result.一旦系统实施开始进行,一个组织应该作好准备来测试其性能和应付系统实施带来的变化。

7."Out of these, 25 are already operational and preparations are underway to begin construction of about 40 other such hotels" , he said.“其中,25家已经在营业,大约另外40家这样的酒店的建设准备工作正在进行”,他说。

8.With just a week to go until the Bundespga restart, Franz Beckenbauer says he can hardly wait for the new campaign to get underway.距离德甲重新开战只有一周时间了,贝肯鲍尔说他几乎等不及这场新的征程开始了。

9.As for the specifics, since the visit is still underway, please note the relevant information to be released in due course.具体将签署哪些文件,访问还在进行之中,之后将发布有关消息,请你留意。

10.These all happen when a project is underway, and there has been a budget allocation by the customer to undertake an IT initiative.这些全都发生在项目进行过程中,而且从事IT活动的客户也会对预算进行分配。