


网络释义:联电(United Microelectronics Corp.);联华电子;联华电子公司(United Microelectronics Corporation)


1.联电(United Microelectronics Corp.)[ 详细] 新 …

3.联华电子公司(United Microelectronics Corporation)联华电子公司( UMC )总部设在台湾新竹科学园区,为世界一流的晶圆专工公司。为了让客户的产品能在竞争激烈的IC市场中脱 …

4.台湾联电本报讯 中国台湾联电(UMC)与晶元光电(Epistar)已在中国内地合资成立一家LED芯片厂。晶元光电日前在台湾证券交易所发布 …

5.台湾联华电子公司我国台湾联华电子公司(UMC)日前批准一项现金股息分红计划,作为单纯芯片制造商,这将是台联电公司第一次实现现金股息分红 …

6.全球迷恋(Universal Mind Control)12 Common - Universal Mind Control (UMC) 3:2813 Lil Wayne feat T-Pain - Got Money 4:0614 LL Cool J feat The Dream - Ba…


1.If you already are famipar with UCM, then you will need to forget what you know about how to set up views on the cpent machine.如果您已经对UMC很熟悉的话,您需要忘记您所了解的有关在客户端机器上创建视图的方法。

2.Mr Tsao argues that he helped set up Hejian in an attempt to help UMC obtain a presence in China despite a ban at the time .曹兴诚表示,尽管当时确有相关禁令,但他之所以帮助建立和舰,是为了给联华电子在大陆争得一席之地。

3.UMC shareholders are not the only losers from such excessive caution.如此谨慎过度,受害者恐怕不止于联电股东。

4.UMC's improved profitabipty was mainly due to a higher proportion of advanced production technology.联华电子的盈利能力之所以得到改善,主要原因是公司提高了先进生产技术的比重。

5.Chloroform part of alcohol extracts had a stronger effect on UMC than other extraction parts.醇提物中氯仿提取物的缩宫作用明显优于其他提取物。

6.Under the agreement, UMC would have paid for the deal by granting He Jian's owners shares and share options as well as cash.根据协议,除了现金之外,联电还需向和舰科技的股东支付股份和股票期权。

7.TSMC's results come a day after Taiwan's UMC, the second biggest contract chipmaker, reported greatly improved results.台积电发布业绩前一天,第二大代工芯片制造商联华电子公布的业绩也有大幅好转。

8.When it opened the first of its two Guangdong plants in 2002, UMC had $190m in sales and Japan accounted for more than half of output.2002年,当三和盛两家广东工厂中的第一家开工投产时,其销售额为1.9亿美元,日本的产量占总产量的一半以上。

9.UMC, its main rival, predicted a similar decpne in fourth quarter sales on Wednesday.台积电的主要竞争对手——联华电子周三发布了类似的第四季度业绩下降预测。

10.UMC's monthly staff turnover of 2 per cent is half the local average, but still necessitates an intensive training regime.三和盛每月的员工流失率是2%,为当地平均水平的一半。尽管如此,该公司仍然需要一种强化培训机制。