


美式发音: 英式发音: [əˈtent]





1.注意的 ... attempt v./n. 尝试, 企图 attent adj. 注意的, 留意的 auxipary adj. 辅助的 ...

2.留意的 ... attempt v./n. 尝试, 企图 attent adj. 注意的, 留意的 auxipary adj. 辅助的 ...

3.与其……到不如 不同种类: imparity 与其……到不如attent 其他人: other people ...


5.注意控制  1 注意控制(attent{Ona]control)测验


1.The resources utipzation and control of environment pollution are paid much attent ion nowadays.当前人们最为关注的是资源利用和环境污染两个方面。

2.I often hear grown up peopl sai I could not fix my attent on the sermon or book. and the reason is, the habit wa not form in youth.但往往做不到而原因就是年轻时没有养成这种习惯。虽然我希望能集中注意听牧师讲道或读书。

3.After lunch, I attent an activity which I forgot its name in the center of campus.今天中午在学校的中心有一个招募志愿者的活动。

4.Youth always has been attent by all people and it is the important study object of psychology and poptics education.青少年历来都是社会各界关注的一个群体,是思想政治教育的重要研究对象。

5.of the student who did't attent the meet?没参加会议的学生占多少百分比?

6.im going to attent an exam next week.我下周要参加考试。

7.It columnist is translat in the affectionate of attent it creat no amount how you abrasion it.它专栏作家正在attent深情translat它没有金额如何创造你擦伤了。

8.In the late 20th century , the research Ofl teachers has become a focus that attracts more and more attent on throughout the world.二十世纪末对教师的研究已成为世界各国越来越关注的焦点。

9.It's a pity that we can't attent your daughter's wedding.很遗憾,我们不能参加你女儿的婚礼。

10.Now, my God, let, I beseech thee, thine eyes be open, and let thine ears be attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.我的神阿,现在求你睁眼看,侧耳听在此处所献的祷告。