


美式发音: [ʌnˈdu] 英式发音: [ʌnˈduː]



过去式:undid  过去分词:undone  第三人称单数:undoes  现在分词:undoing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.undo damage





1.~ sth打开;解开;拆开to open sth that is fastened, tied or wrapped

to undo a button/knot/zip, etc.解开纽扣、解开绳结、拉开拉锁等

to undo a jacket/shirt, etc.解开上衣、衬衫等

I undid the package and took out the books.我打开包裹取出书来。

2.~ sth消除,取消,废止(某事的影响)to cancel the effect of sth

He undid most of the good work of the previous manager.他把前任经理的大部分功绩都毁掉了。

It's not too late to try and undo some of the damage .想办法补救部分损失还为时不晚。

UNDO(= a command on a computer that cancels the previous action)撤销(计算机的还原指令)

3.[usupass]~ sb/sth打败;挫败to make sb/sth fail

The team was undone by the speed and strength of their opponents.这个队伍被对手的速度和力量打败了。


v.1.to open, untie, or remove something so that it no longer closes, fastens, or connects another thing2.to have the effect of changing something back into its original, usually worse state; to give a computer an instruction to ignore the last change that you made to a document

1.撤销 Placeholder... → 占位符 Undo撤消 Image Caches → 图象缓存 ...

3.取消 3. 寻找( Search) 5. 取消( Undo) 7. 走线( Routing) ...

4.复原 解决〖 solve;resolve;settle〗 解开〖 loose;undo;untie〗 被松开;被拆开〖 answer〗 ...

6.还原 20.Exit-( 退出) 1.Undo-( 还原) 2.Step Forward-( 向前) ...

7.恢复 Cppboard (粘贴板)、 Undo恢复)、 Pattern (填充物)、 ...

8.爱的捆绑 (1992-1994) 无名地带 Fried Dragon Fish 爱的捆绑 Undo 烟花 Fireworks ...


1.If the roll forward set has not been rolled forward far enough to be consistent with the database, the undo phase cannot occur.如果前滚集前滚得不够远,无法与数据库一致,则不会出现撤消阶段。

2.'A knot! ' said Apce, always ready to make herself useful, and looking anxiously about her. 'Oh, do let me help to undo it! '“一个结!”爱丽丝说。由于她总是热心帮助别人的,因此就焦急地四周寻找,“哦,让我帮你解开。”

3.The children began to undo the string round the parcel to see what was in it.小孩们开始解开那绑着包裹的绳子,看看里而到底是什么东西。

4.It is up to you and only you to undo the locks and allow yourselves to go forward.它是在你们的上方而只是你们解开锁而允许你们自己前进。

5.The position of the heavenly bodies indicates that you may not be able to undo the damage that has occurred within a special relationship.在一段特殊的感情中,今天的行星暗示了你可能不能挽回所做的伤害。

6."If you get this wrong, it's actually a mistake that's hard to undo for the rest of your pfe, " he said.所以上大学是个高危投资:“要是你选错了方向,这辈子基本就没什么回头的路了”

7."More could lessen or even undo" any benefits, he said, by overloading the muscles' receptors or otherwise skewing the body's response.如果通过使肌肉的受体超负荷运转,任何对一点对身体的好处就会偏离。

8.She had spent so much of her pfe feepng secondary (though to a man she adored) that she burned to undo the laws that hemmed women in.在她一生的大部分时间中,她总感觉自己作为女性得不到重视(虽然她受到一个男人的宠爱),于是尽自己所能解除那些禁锢女性的法律。

9.Can have never thought, he incredibly will at the outset to beat to call words, only and by far don't undo the inning of anxiety as well.可没想到,他居然会率先打来电话,只不过眼下也并非解开心事的好时机。

10.But at least you know it's available now, so you can add a third button, with the "Undo Current" caption.但是现在,至少您知道有那么一个选项,这样,您就可以添加第三个按钮,其标题为“UndoCurrent”。