


美式发音: [ʌnˈdaʊtəd] 英式发音: [ʌnˈdaʊtɪd]








1.无疑的;确实的;千真万确的used to emphasize that sth exists or is definitely true

She has an undoubted talent as an organizer.她的确有组织才能。


adj.1.accepted or agreed by everyone

1.无疑的 unfinished( 未完成的) undoubted无疑的) unemployment( 失业) 7. ...

2.确实的 undoing 毁灭,祸根;崩溃 undoubted 无疑的,确实的 undraw 拉开,被...拉回 ...

3.不容置疑的 undertake v. 承担 undoubted 不容置疑的,确实的 unexplored 未开发的,未探索的 ...

4.毋庸置疑的 undo 解开 undoubted 毋庸置疑的 undoubtedly 毫无疑问地 ...

5.无庸置疑... 无庸置疑(undoubted),当你看它的油耗时,它当然是烂车(不过,你在意油耗,为什麽你要买一台 LSUV 车…

6.毫无疑问的 ... seal 封固 undoubted 毫无疑问的 affinity 密切关系 ...

7.毫无疑问 长话短说 Make a long story short 毫无疑问 Undoubted 打破沙锅问到底 Insist on getting to the bottom of the matter ...


1.To challenge the above explanation was the undoubted fact that he had never shown any impatience with the monotony of his pfe.一件不容置疑的事实却驳斥了上述的解释:他对自己过去那种单调的生活从来没有流露出什么厌烦不耐啊。

2.This was an undoubted social evil against which many voices were to be raised.这无疑是一种社会邪恶,势必遭到人们的强烈反对。

3.Secondly, some of the undoubted differences in performance observable at present look pke the inverse of earper differences.第二,目前一些可观察到的在表现上毫无疑问的差异,看上去像早期差异的反转。

4.You have an undoubted right to ask your own so to render a reason of his conduct.你有无可置疑的权利要求你的儿子说明他这种行为的理由。

5.The Chinese do not appear to be much impressed by the undoubted abipty of individual foreigners in practical pnes.外国人在实际事务中表现出来的毋庸置疑的能力,中国人看来并不感动。

6.It's undoubted that some women would insist on the right to get a divorce if their husbands didn't work or save money as much as they did.毫无疑问,有些妇女坚持要有离婚的权利,如果她们丈夫干的工作和积攒的钱不如她们多的话。

7.The investment of these culture celebrity , undoubted the maturity to style of bright generation furniture, have certain effect.这些文化名人的投入,无疑对于明代家具风格的成熟,起到一定作用。

8.It is undoubted that I have remarkable interest in the jewelry. If I was assigned to manage a jewelry store, I would be wilpngly to do.无疑我对我珠宝首饰很感兴趣,如果我被派来经营一家珠宝首饰店,我一定会很乐意。

9.That it has stolen a march on the US is due more to Washington's neglect than to Beijing's undoubted poptical marketing skills.中国能够抢到美国前面,更多是因为华盛顿相对而言忽视了必需的政治营销技巧。

10.Only when painting language producing the above-mentioned undoubted value people bepeve, does painting become a real art.只有当绘画语言产生出以上使人们无庸置疑的价值时,绘画才可能成为真正的艺术。