


美式发音: [ʌnˈɜrθ] 英式发音: [ʌnˈɜː(r)θ]



第三人称单数:unearths  现在分词:unearthing  过去式:unearthed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.unearth evidence

v.bury,cover up

v.dig up,exhume,disinter,excavate,extract



1.~ sth挖掘;发掘;使出土to find sth in the ground by digging

to unearth buried treasures挖掘地下埋藏的珍宝

2.~ sth(偶然或经搜寻)发现,找到to find or discover sth by chance or after searching for it

I unearthed my old diaries when we moved house.我们搬家时,我偶然发现了自己以前的日记。

The newspaper has unearthed some disturbing facts.报纸揭发了一些令人不安的真相。


v.1.to discover something or someone that was not known before or that people had kept secret, especially by searching very thoroughly2.to find something that is buried in the ground

1.发掘 decoration n. 装饰;装潢 unearth vt. (从地下)发掘;揭露 spear n. 矛;枪;梭镖 ...

2.发现 raw silk: 生丝 unearth: 发现 covert: 秘密的 ...

3.出土 unlock 开锁\ unearth 出土 vice- chairman 副主席 ...

4.揭露 decoration n. 装饰;装潢 unearth vt. (从地下)发掘;揭露 spear n. 矛;枪;梭镖 ...

5.掘出 unbosom 吐露(心事),暴露(思想) unearth 发掘;掘出 unloose 松开;解放,释放 ...

6.挖掘 exhume 挖掘 unearth 挖掘 antique 古董 ...

7.找到 undoubtedly 不容置疑地,肯定地 unearth 发掘,出土,发现,找到 unemployment …

8.发掘,掘出 Invaluable adj. 无价的;价值无法衡量的 Unearth v. 发掘,掘出 Excavate v. 挖掘;发掘; ...


1.As he crawled a few feet left to unearth another plant, he felt the moist dirt seeping its way through the knees of his blue jeans.他向左爬了几码去挖下一株。他感到潮湿的泥土从蓝色牛仔裤的缝隙里渗进去。

2.Nabokov, the authorial prankster, buried Easter eggs of every sort for careful readers to unearth.纳博科夫,专业恶作剧写作家,为细心的读者埋藏了所有种类的彩蛋以供挖掘。

3.Li Bihua has attempted in the novel creation by its unique angle of view to unearth the world tragedy, but had not obtained the full value.李碧华在小说创作中一直试图以其独特的视角挖掘人世悲剧,但一直没有得到充分的重视。

4.Facing so much information, how can rapid unearth the information which the information worker needs is accurately an important topic.面对海量的信息储备,如何能够迅速准确挖掘出信息工作者需要的信息和知识是摆在我们面前的一项重要课题。

5.She was also able to unearth a fpmsy manual on how to operate the device.她还找出了如何运行这个装置的一本薄薄的手册。

6.Inquiries under way are bound to unearth more instances of ethically , and even legally, challenged bankers .正在进行的调查,必将发掘出更多在道德甚至法律方面有欠缺的银行家。

7.Experts hope to unearth evidence to support theories that Shakespeare wrote many of his most famous works at the property.专家们希望能通过这次发掘找到有力证据,证明莎士比亚的许多最著名的作品是在这一居所创作的说法。

8.I've marshaled the best evidence I could unearth in search of an answer.我已经尽我所能整理出了我在寻找答案的过程中所能挖掘到的最佳证据。

9.In Buenos Aires and larger cities you can dodge the ubiquitous parrillas (grill houses) and unearth some excellent vegetarian restaurants.在布宜诺斯艾利斯和其他一些较大城市,你可以想法躲避无处不在的烧烤屋,并去寻找你想要的素食餐厅。

10.In excavating these objects, they sometimes also unearth lethal viruses, and its impossible to predict such things.因为挖那些东西出来,有时候也会把致命的病毒一起挖出来,这种情况没办法事先预料。