




1.联通国金桥信息网(CHINAGBN) • 1.5.6 中国联通互联网UNICOM) 第第11章章Internet Internet概述 概述 • 1.1 Internet • 1.1.…

4.联通是iness Times)的报导,中国第二大手机营运商中国联通(Unicom)已经付了100亿人民币(约14.6亿美元)向苹果公司 (Apple)买 …

7.联通英文名称  “uni”是联通英文名称(Unicom)的缩写,同时将成为联通的3G手机门户平台。提供大量的手机视频服务,是这个平台的最大特色。

8.大电讯公司联通中国第二大电讯公司联通(Unicom)已经决定,不再采用美国一家硅谷公司设计的移动电话技术标准,这在硅谷和华盛顿引起强 …


1.It's unclear how much of the price Unicom is charging was decided by the Chinese company and how much by Apple.联通iPhone的售价多大程度由中国联通决定,多大程度由苹果公司决定,尚不得而知。

2.Analysts at ICBC International said the sale was not surprising given Unicom no longer had any CDMA operations.工银国际(ICBCInternational)的分析师表示,鉴于中国联通不再拥有CDMA业务,SK电讯出售股权并不令人感到意外。

3.Bottom pne: Unicom's determination to move forward with its self-developed Wo mobile operating system is bound to be a costly failure.一句话:联通想推广自行开发的“沃”手机操作系统,注定要失败,且代价不菲。

4.Until the beginning of this year, the space dragon also immerses in and China Unicom the happy appointment.直到今年年初,宇龙还沉浸在与中国联通的“甜蜜约会”中。

5.' he said. Yang uses his i Phone on China Mobile's 2G network and says he has no plans to get a 3G plan with Unicom.杨在他的iPhone手机上用的是中国移动(ChinaMobile)的2G网络,他表示没有使用联通3G套餐的计划。

6.From 2000 to now, after years of development, China Unicom's GSM network of Qinzhou have had a considerable scale.从2000年到现在,经过几年的发展,钦州联通的GSM网络已经具备了相当的规模。

7.Samsung in Beijing said that it was no longer clear whether the launch would take place and redirected requests for comment to China Unicom.三星在北京表示,不清楚手机发布仪式是否还会举行,并建议记者联系中国联通,请其置评。

8.Unicom yesterday insisted that it had not started any negotiations with respect to any substantive and legally binding agreements.中国联通昨日坚称,尚未与相关方就任何具体且有法律约束力的协议开始谈判。

9.Neither Mr Li nor China Unicom were accused of any wrongdoing related to the shareholder vote or any other aspect of the proposed deal.在股东投票或收购计划的其它任何方面,无论是李泽楷还是中国联通,都没有受到行为失当的指控。

10.The company said it had to spend more to lure customers to its newly acquired mobile business from China Unicom.中国电信说,不得不增加支出以吸引消费者来使用该公司刚刚从中国联通收购的移动业务。