


美式发音: [ʌnˈpæk] 英式发音: [ʌn'pæk]



第三人称单数:unpacks  现在分词:unpacking  过去式:unpacked  同义词反义词

v.pack up

v.unload,take out,empty,undo,empty out



1.[t][i]~ (sth)打开(箱、包等)取;从(箱、包等中)取出to take things out of a suitcase, bag, etc.

I unpacked my bags as soon as I arrived.我一到达就打开行李袋,把东西取出来。

She unpacked all the clothes she needed and left the rest in the case.她取出所有要穿的衣服,其余的都留在箱子里。

She went to her room to unpack.她回到自己的房间打开行李取出衣物。

2.[t]~ sth分析;剖析to separate sth into parts so that it is easier to understand

to unpack a theory剖析一个理论


v.1.to take things out of a suitcase or other container that you were carrying them in2.to explain something difficult by reducing it to small simple stages or by using simpler language3.to increase the size of a file to its original size after it has been reduced using a computer program

1.打开 unobtainable 无法得到的 unpack 卸下,打开,解除 unprecedented 空前的 ...

2.拆开 unnecessary a. 不必要的,多余的 unpack 拆开 unpredictable 不可预测 ...

3.解包 moses n. 摩西 unpack v. 打开包裹(或行李等), 卸货, 揭开 psychopath n. 精神病患者 ...

5.解压 129. pack 包装 130. unpack 拆包,解压 131. load 装(车,船等) ...

6.分开 unorthodox spinning method 非正规纺纱法 unpack 分开 unpacked 无包 …

7.开箱 Unloading 卸货 Unpack 开(拆)箱,拆包 Unperiodic Random Checking 不 …


1.With all that precursory information, you can now download the provided ZIP archive and unpack its content into a directory of your choice.有了前面的那些信息,现在可以下载本文提供的ZIP归档文件,并将其中的内容解压到您选择的一个目录中。

2.You do not have to actually build the WordNet package; it's enough to just unpack the downloaded source to a suitable location.不需要构建WordNet包,只要将下载的文件解压到适当位置就足够了。

3.I'll be back in a week and you can sit there and watch as I unpack.我一周内就会回来,到时候你可以看我整理行李。

4.Everybody had to work hard to pack everything up in the old house , and then unpack it again when it arrived at the new house .大家认真地把旧房子里的一切包好,在新家又把他们(一件件)拿出来。

5.George showed me to the guestroom which, he said, was rarely used. He told me to unpack my things and then come down to dinner.乔治把我领进客房,说这间房间很少使用,他让我打开行装后下楼吃饭。

6.Tom : You know what? I haven't even had a chance to unpack yet, honey. I just, uh, I just need to chill out for the next few days.你知道吗?我还没来得及打开行李呢,亲爱的。我只是,嗯,我只是想清静几天。

7.I began to unpack but was overtaken by my habitual urge to have a shower at the end of a day's cycpng. Was there anywhere to stay?我开始打开行李,但是骑了一天车以后,我已经习惯要冲个凉,还有别的地方可以住吗?

8.Download the ZIP file and unpack it to a location easy to remember; in this article, I refer to that location as FLEX_HOME.下载ZIP文件并将其解压缩到一个简单易记的本地位置,本文将这个位置称为FLEX_HOME。

9.But he was brilpant. I figured out his speaking style and was able to translate him to classmates who couldn't unpack his words.但是他非常聪明,我在弄清了他的说话风格之后,就为那些听不懂他说话的同班同学转述其意。

10.Once when I stole a candy bar, he made me take it back and tell the man I stole it and that I'd unpack boxes to pay for it.有一次我偷了一根棒棒糖。爸爸硬是要我送回去,还要我告诉卖糖的人是我偷了糖,并说我愿意帮他拆箱开包作为赔偿。