



美式发音: [ʌnˈpæk] 英式发音: [ʌn'pæk]



第三人称单数:unpacks  现在分词:unpacking  过去式:unpacked  同义词反义词

v.pack up

v.unload,take out,empty,undo,empty out



v.1.to take things out of a suitcase or other container that you were carrying them in2.to explain something difficult by reducing it to small simple stages or by using simpler language3.to increase the size of a file to its original size after it has been reduced using a computer program

1.拆箱 Packing simple----- 简单的包 Unpacking----- 拆开,拆箱,拆封 Aggregated Size----- 聚合大小,号码 ...

2.开箱 ... 会议电话中继 待机音乐( MOH) 开箱Unpacking) 名称和位置( Names and Loc…

3.拆封 Packing simple----- 简单的包 Unpacking----- 拆开,拆箱,拆封 Aggregated Size----- 聚合大小,号码 ...

4.开包 超载 superimposed load 开包 unpacking 船上标志 shopping mark ...

5.拆包 progressing n. 前进, 进步, 发展 unpacking 取出货物, 拆包[箱] erm ERMabbr. 汇率机制 ...

6.解包 unpacked format 不分组格式 unpacking 拆开 unprintable character 不可打印字符 ...

8.整理行李 Dialogue 1:Checking In 登记住宿 100 Dialogue 2:Unpacking 整理行


1.Sequence unpacking requires that the pst of variables on the left have the same number of elements as the length of the sequence.序列拆封要求左侧的变量数目与序列的元素个数相同。

2.At home, Mom would be unpacking boxes of decorations, putting out the stable and the manger, running garland up the stair rail.在家里,妈妈会打开盛着装饰品的箱子,清理马厩和马槽,把花环挂上楼梯栏杆。

3.after unpacking shall first check FangChan use certificate, packing pst, the factory is all ready.开箱后应先检查使用仿单、出厂合格证、装箱清单是否齐全。

4.Note that multiple assignment is really just a combination of tuple packing and sequence unpacking!要注意的是可变参数(multipleassignment)其实只是元组封装和序列拆封的一个结合!

5.The author hopes that the reader found this material useful and able to apply the tips, tricks and techniques presented. Happy Unpacking!作者希望读者找到其中有益的资料并能够掌握这些提示、技巧和技术。脱壳愉快!

6.You can install it by unpacking it to any folder of your choice, which we will refer to as ecppse_home in this article.您可以通过将其解压到任何一个选定的目录(这个目录在本文中称为ecppse_home)中来安装它。

7.THE CREATION OF THE LINKED EXCHANGE RATE Last weekend I spent some quiet time unpacking old stuff at my new home.上周末我在入伙不久的新居,花了些时间收拾搬屋时封存了的旧东西。

8.After unpacking for our short trip we discovered the window was shuttered on the outside so the only view was of a fire escape.住下来以后我们发现窗户是在外面被关上的,所以只能通过走火通道可以看到外面。

9.After unpacking, we meet up for a walk to an abandoned Indian village.放下行李,我们步行来到一个废弃的印地安村落。

10.Decompression - Unpacking many files that have been stored in a single archive.解压-把压缩了的档解开。