


美式发音: [ˌʌnˈpeɪd] 英式发音: [ʌnˈpeɪd]








1.未付的;未偿付的not yet paid

unpaid bills未付的账单

2.无偿的;不付报酬的done or taken without payment

unpaid work无偿劳动

unpaid leave不带薪的休假

3.不领报酬的;义务的not receiving payment for work that they do

unpaid volunteers不领报酬的志愿者


adj.1.unpaid work is work that you are not paid for2.not yet paid for, or not yet paid to someone

1.未付的 Unofficial 非官方的,非正式的 Unpaid 未付的,未缴的 unpaid account 未付帐目 ...

2.未付款的 2、energetic adj. 精力充沛的 3、unpaid adj. 不收报酬的,未付款的 4、air n. 广播 ...

3.不支薪水的 unlock vt. 开…的锁;开启 unpaid a. 未付的;不支薪水的 unreasonable a. 不讲道理的;过度的 ...

4.不受报酬的 报酬多的 juicy 不受报酬的 unpaid 有报酬的 gainful ...

5.未缴纳的 unload 卸(货),卸下 unpaid 未付的,未缴纳的 unsatisfactory 不能令人满意的 ...

6.未支付的 junior 低级的 unpaid 未支付的 tactics 战术 ...

7.未缴的 Unofficial 非官方的,非正式的 Unpaid 未付的,未缴的 unpaid account 未付帐目 ...


1.Zhou Li brought 14 lawsuits against a former employer claiming unpaid overtime compensation, and reported the matter to the authority.周力和前东家打了14场官司要求获得加班费酬劳,也向当地劳保部门举报过,但是问题并没有解决。

2.The hire is also a bit of a breach for The Huffington Post, which repes on a younger staff and unpaid guest bloggers.此次Fineman也打破了HuffingtonPost的惯例,该网站一直招聘年轻的员工和无偿的嘉宾作者。

3.In Europe's frothier markets unpaid debt hangs around the necks of borrowers, giving them a bigger incentive to tough it out in their homes.在泡沫更严重的欧洲市场中,未偿还债务紧紧地扼住了借款人的喉咙,给了他们更大的弃屋而走激励。

4.Capfornia has ordered all state government employees to take at least one unpaid day off per month in an attempt to cut costs.为削减成本,加州已经下令所有州政府雇员每月至少休一天无薪假日。

5.You saddle up on Sapphire, or you sit out the remaining two years of your contract, unpaid.去给蓝宝石装马鞍否则剩下的两年别想比赛没钱。

6.I'm a sort of unpaid adviser, as it were, to the committee.可以说,我是委员会的义务顾问。

7.The Department of Labor has said that this sort of work may be illegal for unpaid interns to do.劳工部曾表示把这类工作给无薪实习生做可能是违法的。

8.You could take these special unpaid leave, as they called them, and yet remain part of the diplomatic service, but not actually do any work.你可以享受这些特殊不带薪假期,他们这么说,但是仍然属于外交服务的一份子,只是没有具体的工作。

9.Mr Crews says the money from commissions is small, but he would keep running the site even if it were unpaid.克鲁斯表示,佣金收入很少,但即便没有报酬,他也会继续经营这个网站。

10."I was an unpaid intern and I had no problem with it, " he said.“我曾经就是一个无薪的实习生,我觉得这没什么,”他说到。