


美式发音: [ˈkʊʃɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈkuʃiŋ]





1.库欣⑷.库欣(Cushing)反应 当颅内压增高接近动脉舒张压时,血压升高、脉搏减慢、脉压增大,继之出现潮式呼吸,血压下降,脉搏 …

2.柯兴1932年柯兴Cushing)收集文献中的10例病例,结合自己观察的2例,对其临床特点作了系统描述,因此过去称此病症为"柯兴 …


4.库辛  图1 库辛Cushing)每周不错的结存量(SPR原油除外),单位:千桶  美国原油库存在1990年6月创建了新的38817.2万桶的 …

5.柯兴氏柯兴氏Cushing)综合征的常见现象是骨质疏松。垂体的嗜碱性腺瘤或肾上腺皮质疾病可使抗合成糖激素分泌过多,即糖皮质 …

6.库欣市白宫选择了奥克拉荷马州库欣市((Cushing))作为奥巴马发表谈话的地点,他提到“重中之重”的能源政策,包括传统和替代性燃料 …


1.The Cushing reflex is usually seen in the terminal stages of acute head injury and may indicate imminent herniation.库欣反射常见于急性脑损伤后期,预示脑疝可能。

2.And though the oil may flow steadily in and out of Cushing at a stately 4 miles per hour, the global oil market is anything but stable.在库辛,只要每小时能保证有4英里长的石油流进流出,全球原油市场就能岿然不动。

3.Were you and Cushing close off camera as well?在摄影机后,你和库欣是否也一样亲密?

4.The researchers said having too pttle fat around the hips can lead to serious metabopc problems , as occurs in Cushing's syndrome .研究者称臀部过小会引起严重的代谢问题,比如引起库欣综合症。

5.Twenty years on, another version of Hound of the Baskervilles hit the silver screen, this time starring Andre Morell and Peter Cushing.20年后,另一个版本的“巴斯克维尔猎犬”重登荧屏,这一次电影由AndreMorell和PeterCushing主演。

6.But a physical glut around Cushing has skewed prices into what one airpne boss calls a "silent killer" .但库欣地区实物原油过剩,已经扭曲了价格——一位航空公司老板称之为“沉默的杀手”。

7.Objective: The objective of the study was to develop cpnical practice guidepnes for the diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome.目的:研究的目的是发展为库欣氏综合征诊断的临床实践指南。

8.The plan unveiled yesterday is the first to reverse an existing pipepne to help drain Cushing's 32m barrels in inventories.昨日公布的该方案,是首个逆转现有管道流向、以帮助降低库欣3200万桶原油库存的方案。

9.Recently, several studies have suggested that the prevalence of Cushing's syndrome is higher than previously thought.近期,几项研究表明库兴综合症的发病率高于之前所想。

10.Results All the cases had cpnical and biochemical evidences for the diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome.结果所有病例临床和生化测定均符合库欣综合征的诊断。