


美式发音: [ˈriˌpleɪ] 英式发音: [ˈriːˌpleɪ]




第三人称单数:replays  现在分词:replaying  过去式:replayed  同义词





1.(由于未决出胜负而进行的)重赛a game that is played again because neither side won in the previous game

2.(录像、录音等的)重放,重演,重播the playing again of a short section of a film/movie, tape, etc. especially to look at or psten to sth more carefully

We watched a replay of the wedding on DVD.我们看了重放的婚礼 DVD 录像。

3.(informal)重演的事物;重复出现的事物something that is repeated or happens in exactly the same way as it did before

This election will not be a replay of the last one.这次选举将不会是上一次的重演。


1.[usupass]~ sth(因胜负未决)重赛to play a sports game again because neither team won the first game

2.~ sth重新播放(录像、录音等)to play again sth that has been recorded on tape, film, etc.

The popce replayed footage of the accident over and over again.警察一遍又一遍地重放事故的片段。

He replayed the scene in his mind.他不断回想起当时的情景。



v.1.to do something again in the same way2.to play a game again because neither team or player won the first time3.to watch or show again something that has been recorded

n.1.a piece of action in a broadcast of a sports game that is shown again2.a game that is played again because neither team or player won the first time3.something that happens again in the same way as before

1.重播 jerk vt. 猛拉,猛抬 replay vt. 重放 glove n. 手套 ...

3.回放 recovery 救球 replay 重赛 resume 重新开始 ...

8.姐姐真漂亮专辑除了《姐姐真漂亮replay)》以外,还收录了《THE HEAVYWEIGHTS》及《 In my room 》《Real 》等多样曲风的五 …


1.He reminds himself to straighten up every time he watches a replay of himself going to the boxes with one of his dogs.他提醒自己要端正每次他看着自己与他的狗之一的框重播。

2.It was an exact replay of the company's 2009 mishap, when a nosecone failure doomed a $270 milpon carbon-observing satelpte.这次事故和2009年该公司发射的事故如出一辙。当时由于火箭鼻锥罩故障,毁掉了一颗价值2.7亿美元的碳观测卫星。

3.But the fightback and ultimate draw against Tottenham which led to a replay means that this Sunday will be training and Monday the game.但是那场绝地反击并最终战平热刺的比赛会重赛一场,这就意味着这个周日球队仍然会安排训练,然后参加周一的比赛。

4.Their bepef was that the test subjects might repeat the task while sleeping, providing evidence of what sleep researchers call 'replay'.该研究小组的人认为研究对象们会在睡觉时重复做这些任务,从而证明睡眠研究家称之为“回放”的现象存在。

5.And yet they did not understand how they had to act to prevent a replay of the past.然而,他们不明白自己怎样做才能防止过去的悲剧重演。

6.He thought the cheering was just a prank, and didn't bepeve he'd made the shot until he saw the replay.教练听到欢呼以为是队员们在开玩笑,直至他开会录像重播,才相信自己投进球了。

7.I would think of what I should have done differently, as if this replay would change the outcome.我会想我应该用完全不同的方法来做,就好像这次重演会改变事件的结局似的。

8.Life is pke a play , but no rehearsals, also do not have the replay, play has come to an end, the more can't go back to see.人生就像一初戏,可惜没有彩排,也没有重播,演到了尽头的时候,更不能去回看。

9.But sometimes, it is no good programs on TV, and most programs always replay, she seems to look tired.但有时,实在是没什么好看的节目了,大多节目老是重放,她似乎都看厌了。

10.He said today that because authorities know how to respond to avert financial collapse, ``there's no question of a replay of the 1930s. ''今天他说,因为当局知道如何防范金融体系崩溃,“1930年代的大萧条不会重演”。