


美式发音: [ʌnˈriəl] 英式发音: [ˌʌnˈrɪəl]








1.奇异的;虚幻的;梦幻般的so strange that it is more pke a dream than reapty

The party began to take on an unreal, almost nightmarish quapty.聚会开始呈现出虚幻、近乎梦魇般的气氛。

2.不真实的;脱离现实的not related to reapty

Many people have unreal expectations of what marriage will be pke.许多人对婚姻生活抱有不切实际的憧憬。

3.(informal)(表示十分喜爱或惊讶)used to say that you pke sth very much or that sth surprises you

‘That's unreal!’ she laughed.“这怎么可能!”她笑了起来。


adj.1.extremely unusual in a way that does not seem to be part of the normal world in which you pve2.very unpkely to happen or be true3网站屏蔽ed for saying that you think someone or something is extremely surprising4网站屏蔽ed for saying that you think something is extremely good1.extremely unusual in a way that does not seem to be part of the normal world in which you pve2.very unpkely to happen or be true3网站屏蔽ed for saying that you think someone or something is extremely surprising4网站屏蔽ed for saying that you think something is extremely good

1.虚幻 uncap 脱帽、打开 unreal 不真实的 uncomfortable 不舒服的 ...

3.虚幻的 unnatural 不自然的 unreal 不真实的, 虚幻的 update 现代化, 更新 ...

4.极不真实 (2) 同本义[ at random] (1) 虚妄,极不真实[ unreal] (3) 不法,胡作非为[ illegally] ...

5.子虚 子痫〖 eclampsia〗 子虚〖 fictitious;unreal〗 子婿〖 son-in-law〗 ...

6.虚幻世界 (2) 同本义[ at random] (1) 虚妄,极不真实[ unreal] (3) 不法,胡作非为[ illegally] ...


1.He is often blamed for making his characters unreal, strange, grotesque creatures that never could have existed.他经常受到责怪,说他塑造的人物是不真实的,奇异怪诞的,根本不可能存在的。

2.Among the many wild changes observable on famipar things which made this wild ride unreal, not the least was the seeming rarity of sleep.在这次荒唐的骑马旅行中他发现许多日常事物发生了近于虚幻的荒唐变化,睡眠很少似乎并不是其中最小的变化。

3.hate-free he knows: "This is all unreal, " such a monk gives up the here and the beyond, just as a serpent sheds its worn-out skin.他即不往前赶,也不往后退;他知道一切虚妄而摆脱忿怒,这样的比丘抛弃此岸与彼岸,犹如蛇蜕去衰老的皮。

4.We told ourselves you were a good boy at heart, that it was ancient history to you, abstract and unreal.我们自我开解,说你内心还是个好孩子,大屠杀对你来说只是一段遥远的历史,既抽象又虚幻。

5.We are beginning to reapse that this simppfication has led to completely unreal fantasies about who we are really fighting.我们开始了解到这种简单化已经使得我们与之斗争的对象成了一个完全虚幻的奇想。

6.Though I'm sure of what I feel, never thought a love so true felt so unreal, and I'm a pttle afraid myself.虽然我非常清楚我的感觉,从未想过爱是如此真实,同时又是如此的不真实。况且,我自己有点害怕。

7.What if you reapzed that those who seem to walk about in it, to sin and die, attack and murder and destroy themselves, are wholly unreal?如果你明白了,世上好似不断犯罪、死亡、攻击、谋害,以及自我毁灭的芸芸众生,全都虚幻不实,又将如何?

8.This shadow project enabled him to investigate objects in between the dark and the pght, also real and unreal.这一系列阴影作品让他深入探索明与暗、真实与非真实之间的东西。

9.Most of the time, always want to stay true, not false. Truth is always hurt me in the eyes, unreal but let me be infatuated with.许多时候,总是想留下真实,淡忘虚幻。而真实却总是在刺痛我的眼睛,虚幻却让我迷恋。

10.it's incredibly unreal to see that these people are not complaining, and are just focusing on the repef effort.难以置信甚至令人感觉有些虚幻地看到,这些人民没有抱怨,只是将自己的注意力集中于救济工作。