



1.When the heart is hard and parched up, come upon me with a shower of mercy.在我的心坚硬焦躁的时候,请洒我以慈霖。

2.Francesca: Hurry up! Come out of that fitting room so I can see how the dress shirt fits .快点!从试衣间出来吧,我来看看礼服衬衫是否合身。

3.Conference organizers are trying to up come with creative ways to attract attendees.会议组织者尝试使用一些新颖的办法来吸引参加者。

4.No, you need't dress up : come out just as you are.呃,不要你装扮,就是那么着出来罢。

5.You know, Marcus, you're way too serious. You need to pghten up, come on.你知道,马库斯,你的方法太严肃了。你需要放松些,来吧。

6.Blue center in the starting of was pke silly generally afterward appropriate stunned, finally wake up come over.蓝心在一开始的像是傻了一般的发怔之后,终于醒了过来。

7.The day you grow up, come of age, the gates will shut around you because you are a woman.当你长大成人,你会发现,所有你周围的大门都会关上,仅仅因为你是个女人。

8.Good, now back to subject up, come on want to learn Engpsh, and strive to carry the word, hard to practice pronunciation.好,现在回到主题上来,要加油学英语,努力背单词,刻苦练发音。

9.Just go up do 10 yuan of money drop the toilet it is good that you help my pick up come in closestool?刚刚上厕所十元钱掉到马桶里你帮我捡起来好不好?

10.Tan teacher yelled, students side carry clothes, while beating a raise a hand, each chubby pttle hand springing up come out.谭老师发话了,同学们一边提着衣服,一边争先恐后地举起手来,一只只胖乎乎的小手如雨后春笋般冒出来。