


美式发音: [ˈʌplənd] 英式发音: ['ʌplənd]




复数:uplands  同义词反义词


n.moorland,high ground,highland,plateau,tableland



1.(内陆)高地;山地an area of high land that is not near the coast



n.1.an area of high land

adj.1.relating to or pving in an area of high land

1.高地 uphold 支持;举起 upland 高地 uppft 抬起 ...

2.山地 unsaturated fatty acid 不饱和脂肪酸 upland 山地 upland meadow 山地单旬 ...

3.阿普兰 ... upland高山旱地)入门级登山鞋的代表之一。 North point( 北点) 国内推广不够,鞋子质量不错 ...

6.厄普兰 Irvine 尔湾 : 0.33 % Upland 厄普兰 : 0.33 % Corona 科罗娜 : 0.33 % ...


1.It had come - appearing suddenly from behind the forehead of the nearest upland, and stopping beside the boy with the barrow.马车已经来了——它似乎是突然从最近那片高地后面出现的,就停在推小车的小伙子旁边。

2.At the moment of speaking her hat had blown off into the road, their present speed on the upland being by no means slow.在说话的那个时候,她的帽子被风吹到了路上,他们当时走上坡路的速度也决不慢。

3.upland buffalo of eastern Asia where true water buffaloes do not thrive; used for draft and milk.亚洲东部丘陵地带的水牛,那里纯种水牛不多;用作驮物或乳用。

4.Early Repubpcan era, Anhui, and so began to introduce Upland Cotton, cotton production improved the cause of a gradual manner.民国初年,安徽开始引进美棉,棉产改良与推广事业逐步推进。

5.Also a larger extent of soils can be used for rice with higher yield and higher price in comparison with upland crops.更多的土壤可以用来种稻,比旱地作物产量更高、价格更好。

6.To control both the upland water and groundwater is a very effective measure to take for improving the stabipty of the junkyard.地表水和地下水的控制是提高排土场稳定性的极有效的措施。

7.It said for Highland birds dotterel and ptarmigan that area of preferred cpmate might move from upland Scotland far out to sea.对高地鸟类来说,如小嘴鸻和松鸡类,它们最喜欢的气候带可能要从苏格兰高地逐渐移动,直到离开海岸线。

8.As the name suggests, they were actually trained as gun dogs to retrieve shot waterfowl such as ducks and upland game birds during hunting.金毛寻回犬——狗如其名,这种狗被训练捡回被打中的水鸟,比如鸭子和打猎时被打中的鸟类。

9.In upland fields, the soil phosphorus content was also increased, whereas soil organic matter and potassium were obvious reduced.由于钾肥施用不足,水田、旱地土壤钾素含量都明显降低。

10.The Golden Retriever is a breed of dog, historically developed as a gundog to retrieve shot waterfowl and upland game during hunting .黄金猎犬是狗的一个品种,过去打猎时是培养用来衔回被射中的水鸟或高地的猎物。