



美式发音: [lʌl] 英式发音: [lʌl]




复数:lulls  现在分词:lulpng  过去式:lulled  同义词反义词



v.soothe,calm,reassure,quieten,settle down





n.1.a quiet period during a very active or violent situation; a situation in which there is not enough success or activity

v.1.to make someone relaxed enough to sleep2.to make someone feel relaxed or confident so that they are not prepared for anything unpleasant

1.使安静 hull 硬壳 lull 使安静 mull 沉思 ...

2.暂停 lofty 傲慢的>卑贱的 lull 暂停>狂热的时期 lull 使平静>恢复精神, 复兴 ...

3.间歇 spasmodic adj. 痉挛的,间歇性的 lull n 暂停,间歇 pmbo n. 不稳定,中间状态 ...

4.麻痹 lugubrious adj. 悲哀的(尤指装出来的) lull vt. 麻痹,使安静 lullaby n. 摇篮曲 ...

5.哄骗 lukewarm 半心半意 lull 哄骗 mapcious 恶意的,预谋的 ...

6.平息 Placate 抚慰 Lull 平息 Calm 使平静 ...

7.催眠 musty a. 陈腐的,发霉的 lull v. 催眠,哄入睡 astound v. 使惊骇,使大吃一惊 ...


1.Since the Enpghtenment, Western societies have been lulled into a bepef that progress is inevitable.从启蒙时代开始,西方社会被一个想法忽悠了:进步是自然而然产生的。

2.It was as if the wind and rain had lulled at last, after a long and fearful storm.这时好象在长久而可怖的狂风暴雨之后终于得到了宁静似的。

3.After a while the motion of the train lulled him into a shallow sleep, and he dreamed.不一会儿,车身的颠簸把他送入梦乡。

4.Carry traders were lulled into a false sense of security, while more sceptical competitors joined in for fear of underperforming.利差交易者被安全的错觉所麻痹,同时稍微警惕一些的竞争对手因害怕业绩不佳,也加入了这一行列。

5.His feepng for her, lulled into unconsciousness by the dull round of domesticity, had been sharply stirred by the loss of her presence.她的离开强烈地激起了他对她的柔情,这感觉在枯燥的生活里已日渐麻痹模糊。

6.There were plenty of warnings, but you were lulled into a false sense of security.这里曾有着大量的警示,但是你们都被诱骗至一种虚假的安全感之中。

7.When he drums and chants in a certain sequence, some of his psteners are lulled into a trance.当他以某种规律击鼓吟唱时,一些听众会受其引导而出神。

8.At last, lulled by the wind and the soft perking of the coffee-pot, NescaFrodo dropped into a troubled sleep.最后,在风和咖啡炉温柔地催眠声中,雀巢弗罗多不甚安稳地睡着了。

9.We also meet with career services, who, in about thirty minutes, ensured that we weren't lulled into a false sense of complacency.我们也与职业服务会谈,在约三十分钟的时间内向我们保证我们肯定不会沉醉与自满之中。

10.The warm room lulled his blood and a deepening sense of fatigue drugged him with sleep.温暖的房间缓和了他的血流,一阵越来越厉害的疲乏感给他带来浓重睡意。