


美式发音: [siˈestə] 英式发音: [si'estə]




复数:siestas  同义词

n.rest,nap,sleep,snooze,forty winks



1.(尤指在气候炎热的国家的)午睡,午休a rest or sleep taken in the early afternoon, especially in hot countries

to have/take a siesta睡午觉



n.1.a short period of sleep in the middle of the day

1.午睡 mulatto — mulato, 黑白混血儿 siesta午睡 tank — tanque, 桶、槽 ...

2.午休32007743 拍摄时间: 画家高更著《诺阿·诺阿》的封面,1891-…

3.情不自禁 越南家书 Dear America:Letters Home from Vietnam 情不自禁 Siesta 华尔街 Wall Street ...

4.午觉 Short sleeper 短睡者 Siesta 午后小睡 Sleep architecture 睡眠结构 ...

6.睡午觉 ·CLARY SAGE 快乐鼠尾草 ·地中海精油配方--希腊式的午睡 Siesta ·来自澳洲的精油配方--和谐 Harm…

8.午睡时间他有提到西班牙著名的午睡时间(Siesta)其实是以前农夫因为中午2点~4点的阳光真的太强了以至於无法下田工作,所以乾脆就 …


1.Dump trucks were loaded with construction waste as the site was prepared for a siesta that could last up to six months, if not longer.自倾卡车装满建筑垃圾,这个工地可能停工6个月,如果不是更长的话。

2.In the Tuscan countryside people start their day quite early, just before dawn, but wind down in the early afternoon for siesta.在托斯卡乡村人们起身他们的白天很早,恰好黎明前,但是放松下来在提前的下午为了午睡。

3.Turns out that glucose blocks the function of the orexin cells. This effect might be the main reason for the desired post-lunch siesta.结果发现,葡萄糖抑制了促食素细胞的作用,或许这就是人们午餐后需要小睡的主要原因。

4.The siesta would be pmited to 15 minutes, and if it improves concentration and quapty of work it might be adopted more widely.午睡时间将限制在15分钟,如果这有利于集中精力和提高工作质量,那么就可以推广这种做法。

5.I had not heard that, but KNEW that I needed to spend today taking a Sunday siesta.嗯…我还没听说过呢,但我的确知道今天要好好享受周日的午休。

6.But if it's decided to take its siesta on Daddy, it could stay there for hours before it leaves.但是如果它要决定在爸爸身上午休,它将会停留在这一段时间。

7.Estremoz, 200 kilometres east of Lisbon, is in a region where the siesta enjoys a traditional popularity.埃斯特雷莫位于里斯本以东200公里,这里的人们历来有午睡的习惯。

8.And you're going to need your siesta since next week we start talking about what to do with cold, hard cash, or the lack of it.另外,你需要午睡,因为从下周起我们要开始讨论关于如何应对感冒,现金流困窘等问题。

9.I want to be where the sun warms the sky. When it's time for siesta, you can watch them go by.我想去一个太阳高照的地方。每当午睡之时,你可以看着他们经过。

10.spain is not a land of sun , sangria and siesta , but a county of work , study and chores , research has shown.然而,最新的调查结果表明,西班牙人不仅爱吃爱玩爱睡午觉,他们同样热衷于工作学习和干家务活。