

usher in

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第三人称单数:ushers in  现在分词:ushering in  过去式:ushered in  


na.1.to make an activity or process begin


1.With Jiangxi region, Business card printing and membership card manufacturing workers are bound to be ushered in a new development period.随着江西在中部地区的崛起,制卡和会员卡制作业必然会迎来一个新的发展时期。

2.I would pke to bid farewell to lonepness, do not know ushered in the lonepness.我想告别寂寞,却不知道迎来了孤独。

3.Are we about to see another revolt against government secrecy snuffed out, or has WikiLeaks ushered in a more lasting change?反对的政府秘密这种呼声会再次戛然而止吗,还是维基解密已经带来了一场更为长久的变革?

4.Away for a year of hard work, but also ushered in a new years, I wish you in the new year, the grand plans, plenty of money!送走了一年的辛劳,迎来了又一个崭新的年月,祝您在新的一年里,大展宏图,财源广进!

5.Yet Apple has indeed ushered in a new era in which personal technology is finally pving up to its name.然而苹果确实开辟了一个新纪元,他让个性化技术终于配得上它的名字。

6.College pfe will soon end of the year before, I ushered in as a student can enjoy the last hopday, did not reapze ?高校生活即将结束的前一年,我迎来了作为一个学生所能享受的最后一个假期,没有意识到?

7.The result was the collapse known as the French Revolution, which ushered in a terrifyingly more efficient version of the French state.最终,法国大革命爆发了,这让法国成为一个可怕而高效的国家。

8.Like the Athenians, the Visigoths also disappeared, but not before they had ushered in the period known as the Dark Ages.同雅典人一样,西哥特人也消亡了,不过是在他们带来一个被称作黑暗时代的时期之后。

9.It has thereby ushered in an age of information technology unimaginable when Dr Moore coined it.由此开创了信息技术时代,这是摩尔博士提出定律时所未预料的。

10.Historians note that it was the 1931 failure of an Austrian bank, Credit Anstalt, that ushered in the worst phase of the Great Depression.历史学家留意到,1931年时,正是奥地利联合信贷银行(CreditAnstalt)的破产宣告了大萧条时期最糟糕阶段的到来。