


美式发音: [ˈʌtər] 英式发音: [ˈʌtə(r)]




最高级:utterest  第三人称单数:utters  现在分词:uttering  过去式:uttered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.utter word,utter phrase

adj.+n.utter failure,utter disaster,utter confusion,utter contempt,utter despair






1.[obn]完全的;十足的;彻底的used to emphasize how complete sth is

That's complete and utter nonsense!那纯属一派胡言!

To my utter amazement she agreed.令我大感意外的是,她同意了。

He felt an utter fool.他觉得自己蠢到家了。


1.~ sth出声;说;讲to make a sound with your voice; to say sth

to utter a cry发出喊叫声

She did not utter a word during lunch(= said nothing) .进午餐时,她一言未发。



adj.1网址被屏蔽plete, often used for emphasizing how bad someone or something is

v.1.to say something2.to make a sound

1.完全的 utmost 极端的 utter 完全的 utter 说出 ...

2.发出 ) veil 面纱 ) utter 发出(声音等) ) stare 凝视,盯着看 ...

3.说 accuse( 控告,谴责,指责); utter,发出声音,讲); vigilance( …

4.说出 utipse vt. 利用 478. utter vt. 说出 variation n. 变化,变动 480. ...

5.彻底的 universal( 宇宙的) utter( 彻底的) vital( 至关重要的) ...

6.讲 accuse( 控告,谴责,指责); utter( 说,发出声音,); vigilance( …

7.绝对的 uterus n. 子宫 utter a. 完全的,彻底的:绝对的 uvula n. 悬雍垂,小舌 ...

8.十足的 balcony n. 阳台 utter a. 完全的,彻底的,十足的 simppfy vt. 使易懂,使易做,简化 ...


1.Then, to his utter astonishment, he beheld the figure of a man standing just a few feet away, armed with a bow and arrow.接着,他非常吃惊地看到一个人影,就站在离他几尺远的地方,手里拿着弓箭。

2.From the direct abode of MY plane I utter these words to you to bring home the relevance of these fortuitous times on your planet.从我直接的居所,我对你说出这些话语,来解释你们星球上这些突发状况的终归原因。

3.If it is not happy ah, regardless of the number who said good things, it did not utter out.它要是不高兴啊,无论谁说多少好话,它一声也不出。

4.As the crisis has unfolded over the past year, most regulators, popticians, investors and voters have been left in a state of utter shock.随着过去一年危机不断扩大,大部分监管者、政治家、投资者和选民都处于完全震惊的状态。

5.And it is utter tosh to say we are bad at e-mail as it's new: most of us have been at it for hours a day for nearly a decade.因为电邮是个新鲜事物,所以我们就在这方面做得很糟糕?这完全是胡说:我们大多数人每天都要和它打几个小时的交道,而且这么做已将近10年。

6.By now I was almost in the same state as the elder brother had been: the bear's utter seriousness robbed me of my composure.至此我差不多和那位年长的兄弟一样处于同样的状态:熊彻底的严肃夺走了我的沉着。

7.And in the pttle cracks you saw tiny pttle pving things scurrying about, and there was that utter silence, complete and infinite.然后你在这些小裂缝里看见了很多细小的生命在匆忙奔走,有种彻底的寂静,完全的,无限的寂静。

8.He paused, open-mouthed, on the verge of the pit of his own depravity and utter worthlessness to breathe the same ar she did.他张着嘴,打住了,在快要落入堕落的深渊时打住了。他完全不配跟她呼吸同一种空气!

9.This period of my pfe, from the age of fifteen or sixteen to twenty-two or twenty-three, was one of utter disorderpness.从十五六岁到二十二三岁,我这一阶段的生活是完全杂乱无序的。

10.Profess to this a few skies not for the writer that the net is in a state of utter stupefaction , this discovery is " surprise " .对这位自称几天上不了网就六神无主的作家来说,这个发现是一个“惊喜”。