


美式发音: ['vʌlkən] 英式发音: ['vʌlkən]





n.1.in Roman mythology, the god of fire.

1.火神夫婿火神 (Vulcan)被迫戴绿帽的坏情绪,女神维纳斯便精心烹调鱼汤来哄骗丈夫。 光凭这则神话,实在无法让人信服,另一比 …

2.伏尔坎同问伏尔坎(vulcan)英语简介 2008-12-09 18:51 提问者: 799529810 英语!

3.伏尔甘导致伏尔甘 (Vulcan) 气呼呼地回到锻炉旁,用青铜锤打出一张细如丝而又坚固难摧的捕猎用的罗网;而上演了出贻笑奥林帕斯 …

4.火神炮火神炮vulcan)口径20毫米,是一种高射速近距离的火炮系统,据悉,延坪部队这次演习是假设北韩特种部队乘坐气垫登陆 …

5.瓦肯人半为瓦肯人Vulcan),半为地球人,史波克在天性上便处于相互冲突的状况。根据故事的说法,远古的瓦肯人是一种残暴而 …

6.祝融星祝融星Vulcan) 祝融星的西方名称,源自罗马神话的锻冶之神“Vulcanus” 2明神星(Leto) 小行星 2忽女星(Dido) 小行星 2细 …


8.伏尔肯11、伏尔肯Vulcan):火及锻造之神;维纳斯的丈夫;相对应于希腊神话的赫斐斯托斯(Hephaestus)。 12、尼普敦(Nep…


1.Their reason for thinking Vulcan existed was that Mercury's orbit behaved as if a more inward planet was tugging on it.他们认为“火神星”有存在的理由,因为水星的轨迹表现出如同受到了一个更接近内层星球的拉动。

2.It is all well and good to be a Vulcan, or to be a member of some future exclusive crowd of would-be pubpc servants.成为一名火神派,或者成为未来众多执行公仆中的一员是非常荣耀的一件事儿。

3."Any time you touch the feed point its kind of pke squeezing the jugular vein on your neck pke the Vulcan hold from Star Trek" said Banos.“每次你接触到馈点,类似于用手指挤压你脖子上的颈动脉,就像星际迷航里面的Vulcanhold一样,”Banos说道。

4.Lord Vulcan drew out his snuff-box . It was of fine chased gold set with emeralds and diamonds.沃肯掏出了他的鼻烟盒,那是一个华丽的金盒子,盒盖上镶嵌着绿色的宝石和钻石。

5.That discrepancy was eventually explained by Einstein as a relativistic effect of the sun's gravity, and the search for Vulcan petered out.这种差别最终被爱因斯坦以太阳引力相对效应解释清楚了,因此对“火神星”的搜索也逐渐淡失。

6.The Vulcan boss calls his subordinate into the corner office for a frank and logical discussion of the options.这名瓦肯人的老板把他叫到了办公室,开诚布公且符合逻辑地与他探讨了几种选择。

7.It seemed pke such a beautiful moment. I felt pke a Vulcan suffering from Bendii syndrome.这真是一个美妙的时刻,我感觉自己像个火神正遭受着交稿综合症。

8.His mother was human. His father was Vulcan.她妈妈是人类他爸爸是瓦肯人。

9.The god Vulcan crafts magical blades, each with a specific unstoppable power, and unleashes them upon an unsuspecting world.神武坎制造了精美的刀剑,每一把都拥有特殊的无法阻挡的力量,并且能在未曾猜想到的世界里释放它们。

10.Origin of name: from the family name Yun, Zhuanxu Dip for the descendants of the Sun Vulcan .姓氏起源:出自妘姓,为颛顼帝之孙祝融之后裔。