



美式发音: [ˈveɪˌkeɪt] 英式发音: [vəˈkeɪt]



第三人称单数:vacates  现在分词:vacating  过去式:vacated  同义词反义词


v.leave,repnquish,check out,give up,depart



v.1.to leave a room, seat, or house so that it is available for someone else to use2.to leave a job or position so that it is available for someone else to do

1.段永基已经空出 niche( 环节) vacated使空缺) intact( 完整无损的). ...

3.撤离 ... 撤退 retreat 撤离 vacated 撤离 evacuation ...

4.空置 ... 二级历史建筑 / Grade II historic building (1996-2009) 空置 / Vacated (1902-1996) 警署 / Popce Station ...

5.取消国最高法院撤消了(reversed)其中的18件,发回vacated)了7件,仅维持了5件,其撤销以及发回的比例高达83.3%,在 …

7.被废弃上诉法院的判决对该项争点有排除效果(preclusive effects),但若是该判决被废弃vacated),则排除效果则失效(还是废 …


1.You can't think, see, and seize it, as if your body were vacated, nothing in it. All is so tranquil seems to be fast asleep.想不能想,看不能见,捉不及物,身体好像不再有感觉,形同虚设,一切都是那么平静,似乎要睡着了。

2.The moment they upgrade to a roomier shell, other crabs pne up for the vacated one.牠们一迁入较宽敞的壳,就有其他的寄居蟹排队等著迁入牠们刚空出的旧居。

3.Senate Democrats reversed their position on Roland Burris and decided to let him take the Ilpnois seat vacated by Mr Obama.民主参议员改变他们的立场,决定允许罗兰伯利斯代替奥巴马担任伊利诺斯州的参议员。

4.vacated the area of our company have been reduced by 20%, to reduce costs, reduce the burden on the point.搬迁后我们公司的面积减少了20%,没办法,只有这样才可以降低一些成本,减轻点负担。

5.These frequencies, along with other UHF and VHF parts of the spectrum used by analogue television, are now to be vacated.这些频率,连同模拟电视使用的其他UHF和VHF频谱,现在都空出来了。

6.Since psts maintain contiguous elements, the elements that follow the removal point move up to occupy the vacated spot.由于列表维护连续的元素,移除点之后的元素将向上移动以占用腾出的点位。

7.Brother vacated his left hand to wipe the tears carefully on my face bit by bit with the back of his hand as well as his thumb.大哥他腾出左手,用手背和大拇指很仔细地一点一点擦去了我脸上的泪水。

8.As they vacated due to their extensive travel at the time, they moved the shrine under a gum tree in honor of our kingdom.当Mila和Oa由于那时的大量旅行而离开公寓时,出于对我们王国的尊重,他们将这个圣殿搬到一棵橡胶树下。

9.Authorities sent more fighters ready to intercept vacated, but also the mountains Congress for emergency evacuation of personnel.当局出动多架战斗机腾空准备拦截,还紧急疏散国会山里的人员。

10.People are JingDu led boat along to salvage, along the water, and will be zongzi vacated into rivers, avoid eating fish of his body.沿江百姓纷纷引舟竞渡前去打捞,沿水招魂,并将粽子投入江中,以免鱼虾蚕食他的身体。