


美式发音: [ˈwɑntɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈwɒntɪŋ]







prep.without,lacking,in need of,short of,sans

adj.deficient,inadequate,imperfect,not good enough,defective



1.~ (in sth)缺少;缺乏;不足not having enough of sth

The students were certainly not wanting in enthusiasm.学生们当然不乏热情。

2.~ (in sth)欠缺;不够好;不令人满意not good enough

This explanation is wanting in many respects.这一解释在很多方面不能令人满意。

The new system was tried and found wanting .这一新系统经测试发现不够好。

adj.1.短缺的,缺失的;不足的;不够的 (in)2.〈方〉智力不足的,低能的



adj.1.not as good as something should be

v.1.The present participle of want


2.不足的 www.kjxz网址被屏蔽 - 基于412个网页 wanting 不足的 wanton 荒唐的 ...

3.没有 9.touching( 关于,提到),该词用于正式语体或书面语。 10.wanting( 没有): 1.barring( 不包括,如果没有): ...

4.短缺的 want 要,想要;需要 wanting 短缺的;不足的 wanton 顽皮的,放纵的 ...

5.缺乏 (wilpng) 愿意做某事 (wanting) 想要某物 3. a standing invitation4. 常备的 ...

7.希望 《Wanting 希望》演唱者: 《Shakira 夏奇拉》专辑(歌曲精...最爱曦苒 ...


1.She accuses the industry of wanting to have all the advantages of being treated as an energy producer and none of the disadvantages.她指责制糖业想要享有作为能源生产商的所有有利条件,而从不考虑其不利因素。

2.Men, all this stuff you've heard about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of horse dung.最近有小道消息说“美国不想去战斗,想脱离战场”全都是马粪!

3.Seeing his hand shriveled, Jeroboam quickly morphs from wanting to kill this prophet to wanting to be friends with him.看到自己枯乾的手,耶罗波安立刻改变初衷不杀害先知,反而要与他为友。

4.I grew up in Alaska and felt confined, wanting more than anything to leave and one day be free.我成长于阿拉斯加,那时候总觉得自己生活的空间限制了自我,离开并终有一日获得自由的欲求超过了其他所有的一切。

5.North Korea-watchers in and out of the U. S. government are wanting to know how he looked, how he seemed and what he talked about.美国政府内外的朝鲜问题专家们现在很想知道金正日看起来怎麽样、他谈论了些什麽。

6.Suffice it to say that anyone wanting to create a database system must be famipar with the concept of normapzation.任何想要创建数据库系统的人们必需熟悉标准化的概念,只要说明这个就够了。

7.Someone told him, "Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you. "有人告诉他说:“你母亲和你弟兄站在外边,要见你。”

8.After years of wanting a family, Mark and his wife Ronnie were overjoyed to learn that they were expecting triplets.马可和妻子露妮想要孩子多年了,得悉露妮怀了三胞胎,他们雀跃不已。

9.However, the members of Elevator Repair Service had been wanting for years to perform the play in New York, where the company is based.然而,电梯维修服务的成员多年来一直想在执行在纽约,那里的公司为主打。

10.Ideally, he would have traded in International markets and is now wanting to return back to China having learnt his trade offshore.理想地,他会在国际的市场中交易而且现在正在想要归还向后地给被向海面学习他的贸易中国有。