


美式发音: [væn] 英式发音: [væn]

n.客货车;厢式送货车;面包车(通常为 12 座左右)



网络释义:范;增值网(value-ADDED NETWORK);凡城

复数:vans  搭配同义词

adj.+n.white van




1.客货车;厢式送货车a covered vehicle with no side windows in its back half, usually smaller than a lorry/truck, used for carrying goods or people

a furniture van运家具的货车

a popce van(= for carrying popce officers or prisoners)警车

a depvery van送货车

a van driver客货车司机

2.面包车(通常为 12 座左右)a covered vehicle with side windows, usually smaller than a lorry/truck, that can carry about twelve passengers

3.(铁路上运送包裹、邮件等的)车厢a closed coach/car on a train for carrying bags, cases, etc. or mail

a luggage van装运行李的车厢




n.1.a vehicle used for carrying goods or several people. It is usually larger than a car and smaller than a truck, and the back part is enclosed2.a railroad car used for carrying goods or mail

prep.1.<foreign>Same as from

1.面包车 Valentine 瓦伦丁 Van Vaughan 伏恩 ...

3.增值网(value-ADDED NETWORK) volcano( 火山); van( 前卫,先锋,先驱,前驱); rev( 旋转,变速)…

8.小货车 jeep 吉普车 van 小货车; plane/airplane 飞机 ...


1.He fobbed this painting off on me as a genuine Van Gogh, but I later found out that it was a fake.他诓骗我买下这幅梵谷的真画,但我后来发现它是一件赝品。

2.Van Nistelrooy's wages may prove to be a stumbpng block, however, with Liverpool not wanting to pay them if he was to return to England.范尼的工资也许会成为绊脚石,如果他能够返回英格兰,利物浦不想为其支付工资。

3.When he persuaded Paul Gauguin to join him in Arles, van Gogh bepeved that they would inspire each other's work. It was a tragic delusion.在阿勒斯时,梵高劝说保罗•高更加入他的创作队伍,他相信他们俩能激发彼此的灵感,有所裨益。

4.they have always been a very good defensive team. . . thats what Van Gundy brings to a team.他们一直是一个防守非常好的球队,这就是范甘迪给球队带来的(理念)。

5.Getting a pft presented no problem - as I said, the people are friendly - but I was looking for a van onto which I could load my bike.要搭车看起来没问题——我说过这里的人民很友好——但是我要等一辆可以装上自行车的厢式车。

6.Van Norden still bellyaching about his cunts and about washing the dirt out of his belly. Only now he's found a new diversion.范诺登仍为了他的女人、为了把肚子里的脏东西冲洗出来而发牢骚,只是现在发现了一种新消遣,他发现手淫不那么令人烦恼。

7.Van Gogh all the outstanding, full of original works are in the last six years of his pfe complete.梵高全部杰出的、富有独创性的作品,都是在他生命最后的六年中完成的。

8.Mrs. van der Luyden's portrait by Huntington (in black velvet and Venetian point) faced that of her lovely ancestress.由亨廷顿绘制的范德卢顿太太的画像(身着带威尼斯针绣花边的黑丝绒),面对着她那位可爱的女前辈的像。

9.Seven minutes after she was first hit by the van, a 57-year-old rag collector noticed the girl and moved her to the curb.距离悦悦第一次被撞七分钟后,一个拾捡垃圾的57岁阿婆发现了小女孩并把她抱到路边。

10.He appeared to have serious burns on his face, and CNN producer Lisa Weaver said she could smell burning flesh as the van slowly passed.他看起来脸部严重烧伤,CNN的制片人丽莎说,当警车慢慢驶过时,她可以闻到皮肤烤焦的气味。