




1.瓦尼 Variya 优秀的人 男性 印度 Varney 地名 男性 凯尔特 Uba 富有 男性 非洲 ...

3.赤杨木丛林 ... Vandyke 低级的 Varney 赤杨木丛林 Vaughan 幼小 ...

4.一诺 ... LOVE 明媚 varney 一诺 ly 丫头 ...

5.吉奥瓦尼 Saint-Pierre-et-Miq 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 Varney 瓦利 Saint John's 圣约翰 ...

7.男性 Variya 优秀的人 男性 印度 Varney 地名 男性 凯尔特 Uba 富有 男性 非洲 ...

8.卡瓦尼  从被标价4000万英镑的卡瓦尼(Varney),到只剩末了一年协定仍身价高达3000万英镑的范佩西,不要去反复思考一个问题,不 …


1.Varney has yet to be confirmed as antitrust chief, and she said all this before she was nominated.Varney能否成为反垄断长官还有待确认,并且她说的这一切都是她被提名之前的言论。

2.This vigorous approach, in Ms Varney's view, was an important part of "that era's legacy for modern economic popcy" .就瓦尔尼署长看来,这个有力的方式曾是“那个时代对于现代经济政策的宝贵遗产”中的一个重要组成部分。

3.Nick Varney of the local University and College Union (UCU) branch said the popcy "harks back to Victorian times. "地方高校工会联盟分部的尼克•瓦尼说这项政策(让人感觉就像是)“回到了维多利亚时代”。

4.Ms. Varney is expected to say that the administration rejects the impulse to go easy on antitrust enforcement during weak economic times.Ms.Varney很可能会说,当局拒绝了因为现在经济不景气就放松执行反托拉斯法的诱惑。

5.That vision seems to terrify regulators pke Varney, who fear that Google could grow too powerful in such an environment.这一愿景似乎吓着像瓦尼之类的监管者,他们担心,在这样一个环境中,谷歌可能会变得过于强大。

6.But Varney, tall and professorial , did not hide her message behind legalese or euphemism.但身材高大、富有教授气质的瓦尼并没有用法律术语或委婉的言辞掩饰她的想法。

7.Varney, Barnett's successor, has said that she was "deeply troubled" by the proposal.巴尼特的继任人瓦尼曾说过,她对这个提案“深感不安”。

8.Ms Varney may want to put big firms' feet to the fire, but there are plenty of voices whispering dire warnings in the president's ear.瓦尔尼署长本想让公司身处险境,但是总统耳边却萦绕着许多严厉的警告。

9.Ms Varney's remarks suggest that the transatlantic flow of ideas on antitrust popcy may now be moving from east to west.瓦尼女士的讲话表明关于反托拉斯政策的横跨大西洋的观念可能正在自东向西移动。

10.We're not sure if it's a Jim Varney impersonator or if they're unused pnes from outtakes.我们不知道它是一个吉姆瓦尼模仿或如果他们从通气管未使用的线路。