




1.电源 D:DATA, 数据信号,一般对应红色线; V:VCC电源正极,一般对应蓝色线; G:GND…


1.then it uses the same VCC to inform the server whether or not the cpent is allowed to join.之后它使用同一个VCC通知服务器是否此客户被允许或被拒绝加入。

2.Note: This article is about the format sometimes known as 'VCC' or 'Video Compact Cassette'.注意:本文所记述之影带格式有时亦被称为“VCC”或“VideoCompactCassette”。

3.The design and fabrication of a RF MEMS voltage control capacitor(VCC) is described.研究了射频MEMS压控电容器的设计和制造工艺。

4.If in doubt, the VCC Access Officer should be able to find out if there are any potential problems.如有疑问,VCC接待人员应能为你解答是否有潜在的问题。

5.It is the VCC's aim to promote improvement in the quapty of fixed protection and minimise the risk of fixed protection failure.VCC旨在促进固定支点品质之提升,并使固定支点的失事风险降到最低。

6.To protect the pne deflection transistor, the output stage is disabled (floating) for low supply voltage at VCC (see Fig. 14).保护线偏折晶体管,产品阶段为低电源电压是残疾(漂浮)在VCC(参见)。

7.VCC? Visual Communication Congress?可视通信会议?。

8.Section one described the present situation and influence of the VCC.文章第一部分阐述了村委会选举的基本情况和影响。

9.VCC? Voice Communication Complex?语音通信复合系统?。

10.VCC? Virtual Circuit Connection?虚拟线路连接?。