


网络释义:粘弹性阻尼器;Vision Efficient Dynamics;粘弹性耗能器



4.荧光显示器 LED 发光二极管显示器 VED 荧光显示器 LCD 液晶显示器 ...


1.ved by his wife, Jean, three children, three grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.他遗下他的妻子琴,三个孩子,三个孙子和四个曾孙女。

2.Mining executives invol-ved in the talks view Cisa's argument as an attempt to force them to share the cost of Beijing's social popcies.在参与会谈的矿业企业高管们看来,中国钢铁工业协会的主张,是企图迫使它们分担北京的社会政策成本。

3.Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbopc representation of what is concei ved to be reapty.理论在本质上是对认识了癿现实癿一秄抽象和符号化癿表达。

4.CONCLUSION: MAPK system may be i n vol ved in the pathophysiology of hypertensive myocardial hypertrophy induced by NPY .结论:MAPK系统可能在NPY致心肌细胞肥大的信息传导途径中发挥重要的作用。

5.The vibrating table tests about the steel frame whose weak layers equipped with viscoelastic dampers(VED) are performed.对薄弱层设置粘弹性阻尼器(VED)支撑的钢框架进行了地震模拟振动台试验研究。

6.Sign and date WorkstaionReadiness Status sheet when operation has ach IE ved GREEN Status .当操作的状态为绿色时,在工位准备状态单上签字并注上日期。

7.So it is very necessary to do detailed research on the design method of VED.因此,非常有必要进行粘弹性阻尼器抗震设计方面的研究。

8.The idea of the atom bomb was first concei- ved by scientists in the 1930s.科学家们是在20世纪30年代最初构想制造原子弹的。

9.had +ved i'd rather you had seen the film yesterday.我倒想你昨天看过了这场电影现在

10.ved i'd rather you came tomorrow.我倒想你明天来表