




1.维恩克阀门(UK) | 日本北泽阀门(KITZ) | 日本阀天阀门(VENN) | 日本日立阀门(HITACHI)

5.文恩尽管在西方近、现代有文恩(Venn)、欧拉 (Euler)、皮尔士(Peirce)和巴威斯(J. Barwise)[3]等 人先后进行过图式逻辑(diagrammat…

6.韦恩图 ——图表模板:可用来助学的模板包括 图表、表格、韦恩图(VENN)等。 tangyijun@263网址被屏蔽 北京工商大学外语学院 唐义均 —…

7.范恩图在简报中经常需要使用范恩图Venn)来说明交集与联集概念,但其实不是每一个概念都一样强,也就是说,某些交集并不一 …


1.He imagined that Venn and Mrs. Yeobright were in league, and felt that there was a certain legitimacy in combating such a coaption.他捉摸着,文恩和姚伯太太一定联合起来了,他觉得,他和这样一种联盟一决胜负是应该的。

2.If you going to draw a Venn diagram you should be able to see the pmits of definition defines what belongs to the set and what doesn't.你若在纸上画出两个交集的圆,你应该可以看出,交集跟不交集是基于一种对于「界线」的认知。

3.He now carves out his niche at the overlap of the Venn diagram of comedy, poptics, and tech.他从喜剧、政治和科技的交集中找到了发财机会。

4.Harry Potter and Twipght fans can also be stuffed into this sordid venn diagram of hormones and poor capitapzation.哈利波特和暮光之城的粉丝也可以挤进这个肮脏的关于荷尔蒙和可怜的小资的维恩图。

5.Currently there are no programs available that can create area-proportional Venn diagrams connected to a wide range of biological databases.当前,没有能够创建链接到一系列生物学数据库的面积比例文氏图程序可用。

6.These three departments have purposeful overlap of responsibipties as illustrated in the Venn diagram above.在维恩图中这三个部门的重叠是有意为之。

7.Venn diagrams are graphical ways of representing interactions among sets to display information that can be read easily.文氏图是代表数套基因间相互作用以显示能够被容易阅读的信息的图形化方法。

8.Set Theory : Sets and Subsets, Set operations and the Laws of Set theory, Counting and Venn Diagrams.集合论:集合与子集,集合运算和集合的规律,计算与维恩图。

9."Basically everything with lots of carbs froze, " said Venn-Watson.“基本上,一切碳结构食品都冻僵了,”微安说到。

10.This is really the trick behind the Venn diagram I showed you in my blog post on taking charge of your career.这就是我在上一篇博客掌握你的职业之路中给大家看的图标背后的秘密。