



美式发音: [ˈventʃər] 英式发音: [ˈventʃə(r)]




复数:ventures  现在分词:venturing  过去式:ventured  搭配同义词

v.+n.base venture

v.hazard,dare,offer,put forward,attempt




v.1.冒险,孤注一掷地试一试 (on; upon),大胆...,胆敢...;冒着危险去;奋勇,鼓勇,十分冒昧2.冒险,敢...,大胆干,下决心干,(冒着危险把意见等)说说看,提出来看看3.拿(生命,财产等)冒险

n.1.a new business or activity

v.1.to go somewhere unpleasant, dangerous, or exciting2.to do something that is a risk3.to be brave enough to say something; used for introducing an opinion


2.冒险 海淀资本· CAPITAL CENTER 启明创投· Ventures 璞玉投资· Jade Invest ...

5.风险企业eless LAN IEEE802.1b)为主角的风险企业ventures)正在各地丛生。


1.A string of failed business ventures frequently left him in hock to his creditors.生意上接连的失利迫使他频频向债主典当。

2.Travel Ventures International is a leading multinational conglomerate headquartered in London, United Kingdom.旅游投资国际公司是一家领先的跨国集团总部设在伦敦,英国。

3.Global fund managers have been allowed to set up joint ventures with Chinese partners on the mainland, but can only hold minority stakes.中国允许国际基金管理公司在中国内地创办中外合资公司,但只能持有少数股权。

4.Most of the ventures seem to be about tapping into local knowledge and driven by commercial interest.大多合资行为似乎都是为了利用当地智力,且是出于商业动机.可以产生很强的协同作用。

5.It cannot be done by the eye alone, since sand which locks firm may suddenly break down and trap anyone who ventures out on it.2仅用眼睛是无法完成的,因为牢固的砂子可能突然坍塌把冒险者困在里面。

6.However, it took a rather different form: one of his television ventures hosted talk-show discussions about its own financial ppght.然而,它采取了一种极为与众不同的形式:在他的电视节目中,有一档节目就选择其自身的财务困境进行脱口秀讨论。

7.Those loaned funds could instead have been used to finance new ventures at home.这些借出去的钱本来可以用来为本国的新兴企业进行融资的。

8.Now Mr Zhu says that no new joint-ventures are to be allowed at all, for the moment at least.朱虹表示,现在根本不允许新建任何合资公司,至少目前如此。

9.New ventures rarely run smoothly, but one of her problems came from an unexpected quarter: some of the original Miss de Mode retailers.新业务很少能顺利推进,但吴女士遇到一个出乎意料的问题:摩登小姐原有的一些零售商。

10.Around the time we sold Wallstrip, Howard asked Jenny to do a real painting of it which I now have in my office at Union Square Ventures.卖出Wallstrip前后,霍华德邀请珍妮画了一幅真的,现在还挂在我联合广场企业的办公室里。