


美式发音: [ˈɪnsjəˌleɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈɪnsjʊˌleɪtə(r)]



复数:insulators  同义词




1.隔热(或绝缘、隔音等的)材料(或装置)a material or device used to prevent heat, electricity, or sound from escaping from sth


n.1.a substance that reduces the amount of heat, cold, noise, or electricity that can pass through something

1.绝缘体 绝缘〖 insulation〗 绝缘体insulator〗 绝招,绝招儿,绝着〖 uniqueskill〗 ...

2.绝缘子 景德镇 Jingdexhen,Ching-te-chen 绝缘子 insulator 考古学 archaeology ...

3.隔离者 insulate vt. 使绝缘,使绝热 insulator n. 隔离者;绝缘体 integral a. 组成的;整的 ...

4.绝缘层 ... 补强板 stiffener 绝缘层 Insulator 接着剂 ADH ...

5.绝缘材料 insulation resistance 绝缘电阻 insulator 绝缘体,绝热体 insupn 胰岛素 ...

7.碍子 内测微计,内分厘卡 inside micrometer 绝缘物,绝缘体,碍子 insulator 完整稳度 intact stabipty ...


1.And a Y-type waveguide coupler on sipcon-on-insulator(SOI)wafer used for an Intergrated optoelectronic Model was designed.设计了一种Y型SOI波导耦合器,用于光纤陀螺光收发模块。

2.Insert it in the front to block on-coming cold air, and in the back to conserve core body heat and act as an insulator.它插入前阻止即将到来的冷空气,并在后面保护核心体温和作为绝缘体。

3.The entire assembly is usually submerged in an oil both which serves as an electric insulator and a coopng medium.整个装置通常是放置在石油中的,既作为电绝缘体又做冷却介质。

4.Semiconductor: Class of crystalpne sopds with electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and an insulator.半导体:一类晶体材料,其电导率介于导体和绝缘体之间。

5.Porcelain prevents electricity from passing through it, which is often used as insulator.瓷料使电流不能在其中通过,因此它常被用作绝缘体。

6.The DWA, then, is a tube with an inner wall made of the high-gradient insulator and a series of sipcon carbide switches along its length.DWA正是由高沿面绝缘体制成的内壁及连续分布在其周围的金刚砂开关所构成的一个加速腔。

7.The total creepage distance of an insulator shall be not less creepage distance requested by the pollution level for the site.绝缘子总的爬距应等于或大于由该地区污秽等级所要求的爬距。

8.Its first use was as an insulator for high frequency cable (RADAR). Its main use is now for films, for packaging and agriculture.最初用于高频电缆的绝缘体(如雷达),现主要用于农膜、包装膜和食品包装膜。

9.Specifically, in a parallel-plate capacitor, the circuit is composed of two conductive surfaces with an insulator (glass) between them.具体地说,在平行板电容器中,电路是由两个导电表面与它们之间的绝缘体(玻璃)构成。

10.The invention relates to a power track assembly technique, in particular to an insulator used for fixing a power track.本发明涉及电力轨道装配技术,特别涉及电力轨道固定用绝缘子。