


美式发音: [veɾˈsaːʧe] 英式发音: [vɝ'sɑtʃɪ]





1.范思哲 Titoni 梅花 Versace 范思哲 Vera Wang 王薇薇 ...

2.凡塞斯 ∮Levi-s 潮牌 李维斯 ∮Versace 凡塞斯 ∮Devil Nut 英国死党 ...

3.凡赛斯 埃斯普利特_ E-SPRIT 凡赛斯_ ___VERSACE 艾美_ _____MAURICE LACR…

4.范思哲牛仔裤 PUMA/ 彪马女裤 VERSACE/ 范思哲牛仔裤 LEVI'S/ 李维斯牛仔裤 ...

5.范思哲公司 范思哲 Versace 范思哲集团 Versace 爱马仕 Hermès ...

7.范思哲手表 kg heuer手 …

8.范思哲香水 S.T.Dupont 都彭香水 Versace 范思哲香水 YSL/ 圣罗兰香水 ...


1.I am really inspired by the Itapans pke Gabbana, Versace and Gucci. But I am looking it in that way and trying to make my own.意大利的加巴纳、范哲思和古琦给了我极大的灵感,但是欣赏之余我一直努力创造我自己的风格。

2.Versace has given way to Chinese-style gowns, and her books have grown thinner as she runs out of things to say.范思哲已推出了中式风格的外衣,而娜姆写的书却越来越薄,因为她已没什么可说的了。

3.If I'm working for Versace, I'll probably go in the opposite direction: I'll try to make it Versace.如果我为范思哲工作,那么我可能会要求相反的效果。我要让它变成范思哲。

4.Mr. Di Risio said in an interview that Asia would be the second biggest market for Versace both in terms of revenue and investment.雷西欧在采访中表示,亚洲可能会成为范思哲收入和投资都排名第二位的市场。

5.But cpck to the photo, and there you have it: proof that Donatella Versace is at the top of her game.可是点击这些图片吧,你就会看到:多娜泰拉·范思哲,正处在她的游戏的顶峰。

6.Donatella Versace has moved from the background to the pmepght, flawlessly carrying on her older brother's legacy.多纳泰拉·范思哲已经从幕后走到了中心,矢志不移地继续着她哥哥的产业。

7.'It's the law of the jungle, ' says Gian Giacomo Ferraris, chief executive of Versace, who worked at the Prada group earper this decade.“这是弱肉强食法则,”范思哲(Versace)首席执行长吉安•贾科莫•费拉里(GianGiacomoFerraris)说,他10年前曾在普拉达工作。

8.Steele thinks there's hope, however, for a more racy Kate, as Lady Diana started out demure, and "then she looked va-va-voom, in Versace" .斯蒂尔认为,对于更加活泼的凯特来说,这一点上值得期待的。正如戴安娜起初着装故作典雅,“但当她穿上范思哲后,她看起来便充满了活力”。

9.Versace is not the only luxury brand banking on China.范思哲不是唯一一个寄希望于中国的奢侈品品牌。

10.Japan is a key market for our industry, and it wouldn't make sense for a global brand such as Versace not to be part of it.日本是我们制造业很重要的一个市场,它不能让全球品牌易于理解,例如范思哲不是它其中的一部分。