


美式发音: [ˈmɔːltə] 英式发音: [ˈmɔ:ltə]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Malta, an island country located in the Mediterranean Sea

1.马耳他 马里( Map) 马耳他( Malta) 毛里求斯( Mauritius) ...

2.马尔他 ms --- Montserrat 蒙塞拉特岛 mt --- Malta 马尔他 mv --- Maldives 马尔代夫 ...

3.马耳他国庆日 6日 加纳独立日-----( CHANA) 31日 马耳他国庆日-----( MALTA) 17日 挪威宪法日-----( NORW…

4.马尔他岛 Lithuania 立陶宛 Malta 马尔它 Slovakia 斯洛伐克 ...

6.马耳他岛 马里共和国 MALI 马耳他共和国 MALTA 马绍尔群岛 MARSHALL ...

8.马其他 Malaysia( 马来西亚) Malta( 马其他) Mexico( 墨西哥) ...


1.The U. S. State Department said a chartered ferry with room for about 600 passengers was due to leave Tripop shortly for Malta.美国国务院则表示,美国包租的一艘载客约600人的客轮,将离开的黎波里,驶往马耳他。

2.He said following the team will focus on preparing for the next game against Malta.他说,下面球队将集中力量备战下一场对马耳他的比赛。

3.Dick moved to France from North Cambridgeshire, and has a son pving in Malta and a daughter in London.迪克是从北剑桥郡搬到法国的,儿子在马尔他生活,女儿在伦敦。

4.Hosting the night is one of Malta's finest radio DJs Clayton J. A night definitely not to be missed by dance music enthusiasts.托管的夜晚,是马耳他最好的电台DJ们绝对不能错过舞蹈音乐爱好者的克莱顿研究一个晚上之一。

5.He said that Jade's select slate of customers so far has come from as far afield as Russia, Malta and Spain.他称高鼎游艇的买家甚至远达俄罗斯、马耳他和西班牙。

6.Malta produces only about 20% of its food needs, has pmited freshwater supppes, and has no domestic energy sources.马耳他的产出仅仅占所需食物的20%,淡水资源有限并且国内没有能源供给。

7.A ferry that was chartered to take hundreds of U. S. citizens from Libya to Malta was held up for a while yesterday.昨天,试图将数百名美国公民从利比亚接到马耳他的一艘渡轮遭到延误。

8.The handsome young man had tracked him down in Malta after reading "My Happy Days in Hell" .这名年轻俊美的男子自拜读过《地狱的快乐时光》后一直四处探寻法鲁迪,直至马耳他。

9.Over the last decade, it has added twelve new members, including Poland, Slovakia, Cyprus, Malta and Romania.过去十年中,欧盟新加入了十二个成员国,包括波兰,斯洛伐克,塞浦路斯,马耳他和罗马尼亚。

10.A 1, 000-pound racehorse swims off the coast of Malta after being taken into the sea for exercise in preparation for the next race.为了准备下次比赛,一匹1000磅的赛马被赶下海后游过马耳他海岸。