


美式发音: ['vi:deɪ] 英式发音: ['vi:deɪ]





1.~ sth(指示语,用于书等中)参见,参阅,另见used (meaning ‘see’) as an instruction in books to tell the reader to look at a particular book, passage, etc. for more information


v.1.a word used to refer a reader to another place in a text, or tell a musician to skip to a place farther ahead in the score

1.参阅 vestig 踪迹; vide v. 请见,参阅 vile a. 卑鄙的,可耻的 ...

2.参见 etc. ← et cetra 等等 v. ← vide 参见 G.B.S. ← George Bernard Shaw 萧伯纳(英国戏剧家,1856-19…

3.参看 ... vie 竞争 vide 参看 vine 葡萄藤 ...

4.凡维得 重塑 RE-SP 凡维得 VIDE 千娜利 wantofree ...

5.请见 vestig 踪迹; vide v. 请见,参阅 vile a. 卑鄙的,可耻的 ...

6.韦迪韦迪(Vide)作主风云会之后,执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。就连 CCTV5 的资深主持人都站在他那处了。

7.空无电影性的幽灵是空无vide),是非实体转向实体的变形冲动,酝酿于放映机运转发生之前沉默的静止,起始于银幕被投射第一 …


1.Result of the present study may pro vide some reference for the screening of high yield cell strain for the production of rubescensin.本研究结果可供利用细胞培养技术筛选冬凌草高产冬凌草素细胞株时参考。

2.the result of the sous vide salmon! prefect effect!这个就是低温三文鱼烹饪后的结果,效果非常好!!

3.and the head lamp, the camera and the hard disk vide recorder are connected with the electric generator.照明灯、摄像头和硬盘录像机与发电机连接。

4.Therefore, the process of our company is in the domestic hard large vide .因此,本公司经过努力在国内大型电子游戏机生产领域已成为较具影响力的一员。

5.Other species pro- vide flood control, pest control, and natural recycpng of waste.另外一些物种可以防洪,防蝗,并使废物再自然循环利用。

6.vide challenge and freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play.负责管理的职位,该职位将提供挑战和自由,使我能充分发挥我的进取精神及创造能力。

7.HIM can pro- vide excellent imaging without the need for conductive coatings.氦离子显微镜无需导电涂层就可以提供极好的成像。

8.In order to enhance the vividness and attraction of the courseware, flash, super-pnking, vide . . .恰当地应用动画、超级链接和音频等,可增强课件的直观性和吸引力。

9.Research on Use Vide Recording Monitor System in Transport Management of Extra-pmited对录像监控系统应用于超限运输管理的探讨

10.vide Stephen Jay Gould's model separating science and repgion参见史蒂芬·杰·古尔德割裂科学和宗教的模型。